miercuri, 23 mai 2012

Tsipras, eroul meu

Tsipras, liderul comunistilor greci care, conform sondajelor, vor castiga alegerile din Grecia, are niste declaratii pur si simplu superbe chiar la Paris:

Alexis Tsipras Warns:  Austerity: "Neoliberal shock experiment"

Alexis Tsipras (Syriza): "I am not here to blackmail, I am here to mobilize," he said. "Greece gave humanity democracy and today the Greek people will bring democracy back to Europe...The war we are fighting in Europe is not between people or nations, it is between the forces of work and the invisible forces of finance and banks."

"It is difficult to be victorious over an enemy when that enemy has no face, no program, no political party but who governs us even so. If we perfect our victory in Greece it will sent a great message of hope throughout Europe."
"… we can feel a wind of change blowing everywhere. Things that were yesterday considered impossible are today being discussed. Today they are being discussed, tomorrow they will be accepted."

Si are 37 ani.


5 comentarii:

Anonim spunea...

ce a muncit omul asta pana la 37 de ani?

AristotelCostel spunea...


Poate ca abia acum i-a fost sortit sa se apuce de treaba. :)

Parazitii cu "munca" in gura vor avea niste... problemute.

originar spunea...


Joe spunea...

Desigur, toti se vor intrece sa-i dea bani tsiparului puturos si escroc. Ca sa poata sa guverneze. Grecia si-a pierdut deja indepedenta, alternativele pe care le are sunt prost, foarte prost, extrem de prost.

Anonim spunea...
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