duminică, 31 ianuarie 2010
O dragoste apusa e ca un vulcan, niciodata nu poti zice c-a trecut pericolul de a izbucni din nou- O. Goga
“The issue which has swept down the centuries and which will have to be fought sooner or later is The People vs. The Banks.” - Lord Acton, Historian, 1834 - 1902 .
"The death of democracy is not likely to be an assassination from ambush. It will be a slow extinction from apathy, indifference, and undernourishment."
- Robert M. Hutchins
“All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.” Arthur Schopenhauer (1788 - 1860)
Reality is a crutch for people who can't cope with drugs. ~Lily Tomlin~
sâmbătă, 30 ianuarie 2010
Precum in cer, asa si pe pamant...
Fractal evolution- Bruce Lipton
...sau cum ne influentam ADN-ul in functie de perceptiile si crezurile noastre...
Aflam ca perceptia determina genetica, si nu invers ( cum am fost invatati).
Prapastia dintre bogati si saraci in lume
Tabelul prezinta de cate ori este mai mare venitul celor mai bogati 10% din populatie, fata de cei mai saraci 10%.
Fiind datele oficiale ale OECD, nu reflecta fidel realitatea 'din teren', sunt convins ca e doar varful aisbergului, iar prapastia e cu mult mai mare, cu atat mai mult cu cat se bazeaza pe veniturile legale, de la supafata, fara a lua in considerare economia subterana.
Chiar si asa, este destul de relevant.
Bill Gates- "Trebuie sa facem din acest deceniu, un deceniu al vaccinurilor"

Bill si Melinda Gates, traversand hall-ul principal al Forumului Economic de la Davos, Elvetia, vineri, 29 Ianuarie 2010.
Prezent la Forumul Economic de la Davos, in Elvetia, un Forum a carui tinta declarata este avansarea agendei Noii Ordini Mondiale, de centralizare a puterii la nivel global spre telul final, un guvern unic mondial, magnatul si fondatorul companiei Microsoft, a declarat ca Fundatia Bill si Melinda Gates va dona 10 miliarde de dolari pe parcursul urmatorilor 10 ani pentru activitati de cercetare si dezvoltare de vaccinuri si distribuirea acestora in tarile sarace.
Si-a sustinut geastul prin crezul sau ca "Trebuie sa facem din acest deceniu, un deceniul al vaccinurilor"
Mda, am vazut impactul acestor vaccinuri asupra copiilor, se numeste Autism.
D-le Bill Gates, de ce nu incepem vaccinarea cu copiii tai?
Iata ca filantropia se dovedeste inca o data o operatiune mascata de manipulare financiara a populatiei la scara larga.
joi, 28 ianuarie 2010
Defamation(2009)- un film de exceptie
Aflam ca anti-semitismul, in ziua de astazi, este o diversiune folosita de extremistii sionisti pentru a-si discredita adversarii.
Filmul integral, aici:
Trailerul filmului aici:
miercuri, 27 ianuarie 2010
Dezincriminarea consumului de droguri in Cehia

Guvernul ceh a aprobat ca incepand cu Anul Nou va permite fiecarei persoane sa detina 15 grame de marijuana, 1,5 grame de heroina, 1 gram de cocaina si 2 grame de metamfetamine. Potrivit Ministerului de Justitie din Cehia, care a si venit cu propunerea, persoanele care detin droguri in limitele de gramaj mentionate nu mai risca niciun fel de pedeapsa.
La inceput a fost Olanda cu "Opium Act", mai apoi tari precum Portugalia, Spania, Italia, Germania care au decriminalizat si tolerat si acum Cehia prin tolerarea nu doar a canabisului ci si a heroinei, cocainei si a amfetaminelor, o decizie radicala si foarte tupeista a ministerului de justitie. Sa nu uitam de cartierul Christiania(oras Christianshavn) din Danemarca, un cartier de doar 850 locuitori cu proprile legi privind canabisul.
Saptamana trecuta, Guvernul de la Praga a aprobat si o lista de ciuperci si plante halucinogene, intre care canepa, coca, peyote, hotarand ca fiecare persoana are dreptul sa creasca cinci astfel de plante si sa aiba in gospodaria proprie 40 de "ciuperci magice".
Vecinii nostri incep sa decriminalizeze drogurile usoare, ba chiar sa le tolereze iar noi bagam la racoare pustani cate 3-5 ani pentru consum si ridicam din umeri ca deh "asta-i legea".
Toti cei cu idei si opinii anti , Sistemul se bucura de voi , continuati sa fiti controlati in continuare si mergeti impreuna cu turma . Un an nou fericit, oilor.
News ...from Amsterdam

Adaugarea de tutun in jointuri in coffeeshop-urile din Olanda va presupune incalcarea unei legi ce va intra in vigoare la 1 iulie privind interzicerea fumatului in locurile publice.
Potrivit unui raport al publicatiei Belfast Telegraph exista posibilitatea ca aproximativ 1300 de coffeeshop-uri s-ar putea inchide. Ministrul Sanatatii din Olanda se declara pentru legea impotriva fumatului, declarand: "Ar putea sa aibe un efect pozitiv faptul ca acesti consumatori nu vor mai pierde toata ziua in coffeeshop-uri si vor face alte lucruri cu timpul lor".
Din luna iulie doar jointurile de cannabis pur vor putea fi fumate in interiorul coffee-urilor, spre deosebire de cele cu tutun care vor putea fi consumate doar in aer liber.
"Noua lege este o prostie. Va fi aproape imposibil sa intervina, deoarece nu au cum sa-si dea seama daca omul fumeaza cannabis combinat cu tutun, sau doar cannabis" declara Willem Panders, seful uniunii tutunului.
Legea tutunului va intra in vigoare pe 1 iulie, la doar cateva saptamani de cand specialistii americani au dat publicitatii rezultatul unui studiu potrivit caruia fumatorii care folosesc cocaina in tigara au sanse de 50% sa devine dependenti.
In Oanda, coffeeshop-ul este locul unde cannabis-ul este comercializat si fumat legal.
Din partea acelor oameni minunati care ti-au adus Inchizitia

"Cat profit ne-a adus povestea cu Cristos!"
Pope Leo X (As attributed by John Bale, Bishop of Ossory, in The Pageant of Popes, p. 179, 1574)
"I am surrounded by priests who repeat incessantly that their kingdom is not of this world, and yet they lay their hands on everything they can get." -- Napoleon Bonaparte
Man is certainly stark mad: he cannot make a worm, yet he will make gods by the dozen.
~ Michel de Montaigne
Which is it, is man one of God's blunders or is God one of man's?
~ Nietzsche
Men will never be free until the last king is strangled with the entrails of the last priest.
~ Denis Diderot
All great truths begin as blasphemies.
~ George Bernard Shaw
If you can conceive of morality without god, why can you not conceive of society without government?
~ Peter Saint-André
The philosopher has never killed any priests, whereas the priest has killed a great many philosophers.
~ Denis Diderot
A man's ethical behavior should be based effectually on sympathy, education, and social ties and needs; no religious basis is necessary. Man would indeed be in a poor way if he had to be restrained by fear of punishment and hope of reward after death.
~ Albert Einstein
If you talk to God, you are praying. If God talks to you, you have schizophrenia.
~ Thomas Szasz
It was, of course, a lie what you read about my religious convictions, a lie which is being systematically repeated. I do not believe in a personal god and I have never denied this but have expressed it clearly. If something is in me which can be called religious, then it is the unbounded admiration for the structure of the world so far as our science can reveal it.
~ Albert Einstein
You know your god is man-made when he hates all the same people you do.
~ [Usenet]
As with the Christian religion, the worst advertisement for Socialism is its adherents.
~ George Orwell
Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich.
~ Napoleon
If child molestation is actually your concern, how come we don't see Bradley tanks knocking down Catholic churches?
~ Bill Hicks, 1993, referencing the Waco siege
I like your Christ; I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ.
~ Mohandas Gandhi
The same people that wrote the bible thought the world was flat.
~ Unknown - (disputed)
If god created us in his image we have certainly returned the compliment.
~ Voltaire
With or without religion, you would have good people doing good things and evil people doing evil things. But for good people to do evil things, that takes religion.
- Steven Weinberg
"Science with religion is lame ; religion without science is blind. Science without religion is useful, religion with science is useless."
- Albert Einstein
"If God is omniscient, why do I have to pray to him? Doesn't he already know what I need?"
- Claire K. Rivero
"Any god that requires small minded bigots to speak for it, is not worth the breath it takes to pray." -- Jesper Myrfors
The Bible devotes some 500 verses on prayer, less than 500 verses on faith, but over 2000 verses on money and possessions.
duminică, 24 ianuarie 2010
Presa onesta nu exista
I am paid weekly for keeping my honest opinion out of the paper I am connected with. Others of you are paid similar salaries for similar things, and any of you who would be so foolish as to write honest opinions would be out on the streets looking for another job. If I allowed my honest opinions to appear in one issue of my paper, before twenty-four hours my occupation would be gone.
The business of the journalists is to destroy the truth, to lie outright, to pervert, to vilify, to fawn at the feet of mammon, and to sell his country and his race for his daily bread. You know it and I know it, and what folly is this toasting an independent press?
We are the tools and vassals of rich men behind the scenes. We are the jumping jacks, they pull the strings and we dance. Our talents, our possibilities and our lives are all the property of other men. We are intellectual prostitutes."
declaratie din 1880 a lui John Swinton, un proeminent jurnalist new-yorkez de la finele secolului 19.
(Source: Labor's Untold Story, by Richard O. Boyer and Herbert M. Morais, published by United Electrical, Radio & Machine Workers of America, NY, 1955/1979.)
Mel Gibson in "Conspiracy Theory" (1997)

"You know what they put in the water, don't you? Fluoride! Yeah, fluoride. On the pretext that it strengthens your teeth! That's ridiculous. You know what this stuff does to you? It actually weakens your will, takes away the capacity for free and creative thought. And makes you a slave to the state" .
joi, 21 ianuarie 2010
Vreau totul... si inca 5%
Fabian era incantat in timp ce repeta discursul sau pentru adunarea de adoua zi. Din totdeauna, el si-a dorit sa fie o persoana importanta si puternica, iar acum visul sau era pe cale sa se implineasca. El era un mestesugar care isi castiga painea prelucrand aurul si argintul. Dar munca grea nu era pe placul sau. Fiind plin de energie, el tanjea dupa o provocare, iar planul sau acum era finalizat. Acum putea sa-l puna in aplicare.
De-a lungul generatiilor oamenii foloseau schimbul in natura, asa-numitul troc. Fiecare in parte isi producea tot de ce avea nevoie el si familia sa. Unii preferau sa se specializeze pe o anumita activitate. Excedentul de produse rezultate din aceste activitati le schimba pe exedentul obtinut de alti mestesugari, atunci cand se ivea ocazia.
Schimbul de produse se infaptuia la iarmaroc.
Iarmarocul era plin de zgomot si praf, dar oamenii erau prietenosi si binevoitori. Sentimentul de tovarasie si comunitate ii facea sa se simta foarte bine. Dintodeauna, iarmarocul a fost un loc plin de voie buna, dar in ultimul timp aici se aduna prea multa lume, erau prea multe dispute si oamenii nu prea mai aveau timp sa stea de vorba pur si simplu. Pe zi ce trece devenea tot mai limpede ca le trebuia un sistem nou, imbunatatit.
Per ansamblu, oamenii erau fericiti si multumiti de rezultatele muncii proprii.
In fiecare comunitate a fost creat un sistem simplu de guvernare, a carui rol era sa asigure respectarea drepturilor si a libertati fiecarui individ si ca nimeni sa nu fie obligat sa faca ceva impotriva vointei sale de catre alte persoane sau grupuri de persoane.
Singura sarcina a guvernului era aceasta protectie a libertatilor individuale, iar guvernatorul local se bucura de suportul larg a comunitatii care l-a ales.
Problema mare era targul. O problema pentru care nu se gasea solutia. Cat costa un cutit - o jumate de sac de porumb sau un sac intreg? Ce este mai valoros - vaca sau taurul? Astfel de probleme apareau la tot pasul. Dar nimeni nu propunea ceva mai bun.
Si iata ca Fabian a anuntat: "Am gasit o rezolvare pentru problema trocului. Va invit pe toti maine, la o adunare generala."
A doua zi piata mare a orasului era plina de lume. A venit aporape toata populatia locului si chiar si din asezarile invecinate. Fabian le-a explicat oamenilor in ce consta noul sistem de schimb bazat pe ceea ce el le-a numit "bani". Ideea le-a placut foarte mult celor adunati in piata. "Cu ce incepem?" au interbat oamenii.
"Aurul pe care-l folosesc eu ca sa fac bijuterii este un metal excelent. El nu se intuneca in timp, nu se oxideaza, e rezistent in timp. Eu am sa topesc aurul pe care-l am in bucatele mici si egale numite 'monezi', iar o moneda o sa o denumim 'ban'."
Cree Indian Prophecy
Only when the last river is poisoned
Only when the last fish has been caught
Only then will you find that money cannot be eaten.
sâmbătă, 16 ianuarie 2010
Robert Green Ingersoll (1833 – 1899)

Intelligent people would ask not for rewards, but reasons.
Only hypocrites would ask for the money.
Yet, according to the New Testament, Christ offered a reward
to those who would believe, and this promised reward was to take
the place of evidence. When Christ made this promise he forgot,
ignored, or held in contempt the rectitude of a brave, free and
natural soul.
The declaration that salvation is the reward for belief is
inconsistent with mental freedom, and could have been made by no
man who thought that evidence sustained the slightest relation to
belief. “Truth” (1897)
Anger is a wind which blows out the lamp of the mind.
Courage without conscience is a wild beast.
Every man is dishonest who lives upon the labor of others, no matter if he occupies a throne.
Few rich men own their property; their property owns them.
The true civilization is where every man gives to every other every right that he claims for himself.
Happiness is not a reward - it is a consequence. Suffering is not a punishment - it is a result.
Happiness is the only good. The time to be happy is now. The place to be happy is here. The way to be happy is to make others so.
I will not attack your doctrines nor your creeds if they accord liberty to me. If they hold thought to be dangerous - if they aver that doubt is a crime, then I attack them one and all, because they enslave the minds of men.
I would rather live and love where death is king than have eternal life where love is not.
If a man would follow, today, the teachings of the Old Testament, he would be a criminal. If he would follow strictly the teachings of the New, he would be insane.
If I owe Smith ten dollars and God forgives me, that doesn't pay Smith.
Ignorance is the soil in which belief in miracles grows.
In nature there are neither rewards nor punishments; there are consequences.
In the presence of eternity, the mountains are as transient as the clouds.
In the republic of mediocrity, genius is dangerous.
It is an old habit with theologians to beat the living with the bones of the dead.
Kindness is the sunshine in which virtue grows.
Religion can never reform mankind because religion is slavery.
The greatest test of courage on earth is to bear defeat without losing heart.
The inspiration of the Bible depends upon the ignorance of the gentleman who reads it.
The more liberty you give away the more you will have.
The superior man is the providence of the inferior. He is eyes for the blind, strength for the weak, and a shield for the defenseless. He stands erect by bending above the fallen. He rises by lifting others.
There can be but little liberty on earth while men worship a tyrant in heaven.
There is no slavery but ignorance.
We need men with moral courage to speak and write their real thoughts, and to stand by their convictions, even to the very death.
What light is to the eyes - what air is to the lungs - what love is to the heart, liberty is to the soul of man.
When the will defies fear, when honor scorns to compromise with death - that is heroism.
vineri, 15 ianuarie 2010
"An intimate relationship does not banish loneliness. Only when we are comfortable with who we are and can function independently in a healthy way, can we truly function within a relationship. Two halves do not make a whole when it comes to a healthy relationship: it takes two wholes."- Patricia Fry
"Your vision will become clear only when you can look into your own heart…. Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, awakes."
- Carl Jung
“If you love wealth more than liberty, the tranquility of servitude better than the animating contest of freedom, depart from us in peace. We ask not your counsel nor your arms. Crouch down and lick the hand that feeds you. May your chains rest lightly upon you and may posterity forget that you were our countrymen.”—Samuel Adams
"When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change." Albert Einstein
Once you decide to titillate instead of illuminate . . . you create a climate of expectation that requires a higher and higher level of intensity. – Bill Moyers.
Vigilantibus et non dormientibus serviunt leges. The laws serve the vigilant, not those who sleep upon their rights.
Ei incumbit probatio qui dicit, non qui negat. The burden of the proof lies upon him who affirms, not he who denies.
"we've already won, what ya worried about?"
First learn stand, then learn fly. Mr. Kesuke Miyagi.
"Perhaps the most important thing we can undertake toward the reduction of fear is to make it easier for people to accept themselves, to like themselves."
- Bonaro W. Overstreet
Being powerful is like being a lady. If you have to tell people you are, you aren't.Margaret Thatcher
"We are not human beings on a spiritual journey. We are spiritual beings on a human journey."
- Stephen R. Covey
"Doctors pour drugs of which they know little, to cure diseases of which they know less, into human beings of which they know nothing." - Voltaire
"Wise men talk because they have something to say; fools talk because they have to say something." - Plato
"We must know where we came from to know where we are going." - Maynard James Keenan
"The trick is to use the drugs once to get there, and maybe spend the next ten years trying to get back there without the drug."
- Maynard James Keenan
"Minds are like parachutes - they only function when open."- Thomas Dewar
"Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment."- Buddha
"All blame is a waste of time. No matter how much fault you find with another, it will not change you. Blame keeps the focus off you when you're looking for reasons to explain your unhappiness or frustration. You may succeed in making another feel guilty, but you won't change whatever it is about you that is making you unhappy."- Wayne Dyer
"Let us not look back in anger or forward in fear, but around in awareness." - James Thurber
"Life has taught us that love does not consist in gazing at each other but in looking outward together in the same direction." - Antoine de Saint-Exupery
"Live as if your were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever."- Mahatma Gandhi
"It isn't what you have, or who you are, or where you are, or what you are doing that makes you happy or unhappy. It is what you think about." - Dale Carnegie
"The intellect has little to do on the road to discovery. There comes a leap in consciousness, call it intuition or what you will, and the solution comes to you, and you don't know how or why."
- Albert Einstein
"The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious."- Albert Einstein
"Here is the test to find whether your mission on earth is finished. If you're alive, it isn't."- Richard Bach
"Ask a question and you're a fool for three minutes; do not ask a question and you're a fool for the rest of your life."- Chinese Proverb
"The self has no boundaries exept those who accept it out of ignorance" - Seth
"Who needs proof? just open your eyes"
"You may see me, But i see through you"
"Every time we do something you tell me America will do this and will do that . . . I want to tell you something very clear: Don't worry about American pressure on Israel. We, the Jewish people, control America, and the Americans know it." - Israeli Prime Minister, Ariel Sharon, October 3, 2001
"For my part, whatever anguish of spirit it may cost, I am willing to know the whole truth; to know the worst, and to deal with it." - Patrick Henry
"Peace is not the absence of war; it is a virtue; a state of mind; a disposition for benevolence; confidence; and justice." - Baruch Spinoza
-Gandurile sunt umbrele senzatiilor noastre- intotdeauna mai intunecoase, mai goale, mai simple decat acestea.
-Orice singuratate e un pacat. Asa graieste turma.
-Daca viata noastra are "de ce"-ul, atunci putem suporta toate "cum"-urile.
-Fiecare suflet este pentru alt suflet o lume ascunsa.
-Cata melancolie in orice lucru incheiat!
-Creatia: singurul suras al creatiei noastre.
-Viata nu este de o suta de ori prea scurta, pentru a ne permite luxul de a ne plictisi?
-Cresterea intelepciunii se poate masura cu exactitate in baza diminuarii maniei.
-Caracterul este determinat mai mult de lipsa unor anumite experiente decat de acelea pe care un om le-a trait deja.
-Credinta: sa "nu vrei" sa stii ce este adevarat.
-Nu stiu daca sufletul unui filozof doreste mai mult decat sa fie un dansator bun.
The world is not being done TO you; the world is being done BY you. The world is not coming AT you; it is coming FROM you. When you go to a position of being “at cause” instead of being “at effect”, then you are no longer a victim. – Gary Renard
"Your pain is the breaking of the shell that encloses your understanding."
- Kahlil Gibran
“To vote is to abdicate” Elysées Reclus
"Iubirea este o alegere pe care o facem in fiecare clipa" Barbara de Angelis.
“We think we master words but in fact words master us.” Alain Rey
“Under a government, which imprisons unjustly, the true place for a just man is also a prison.”
Henry David Thoreau, Civil Disobedience.
“Through obedience one develops the reflex of submission”
"School is the advertising agency which makes you believe that you need the society as it is." - Ivan Illich
"The truth is that our finest moments are most likely to occur when we are feeling deeply uncomfortable, unhappy, or unfulfilled. For it is only in such moments, propelled by our discomfort, that we are likely to step out of our ruts and start searching for different ways or truer answers."- Morgan Scott Peck
"If one is estranged from oneself, then one is estranged from others too. If one is out of touch with oneself, then one cannot touch others." - Anne Morrow Lindbergh
"Never apologize for showing feeling. When you do so, you apologize for the truth." - Benjamin Disraeli
"When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change." Albert Einstein
The world is full of people who stopped listening to themselves" - Joseph Campbell
"Every time we choose safety, we reinforce fear."
- Cheri Huber
The whites were always trying to make the Indians give up their life and live like the white men - go to farming, work hard and do as they did - and the Indians did not know how to do that, and did not want to anyway….If the Indians had tried to make the whites live like them, the whites would have resisted, and it was the same with many Indians.
Wamditanka (Big Eagle) of the Santee Sioux
"Our wise men are called Fathers, and they truly sustain that character. Do you call yourselves Christians? Does the religion of Him who you call your Savior inspire your spirit, and guide your practices? Surely not. It is recorded of him that a bruised reed he never broke. Cease then to call yourselves Christians, lest you declare to the world your hypocrisy. Cease too to call other nations savage, when you are tenfold more the children of cruelty than they. No person among us desires any other reward for performing a brave and worthwhile action, but the consciousness of having served his nation. I bow to no man for I am considered a prince among my own people. But I will gladly shake your hand."
Joseph Brant to King George III
Joseph Brant (Thayendanegea), Mohawk - 1742-1807
"When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty." - Thomas Jefferson
"When the people and the government fear Banksters like Goldman Sachs and JP Morgan, there is economic dictatorship that will destroy the very fabric of our existence as a civilized society." - Mike Morgan
"Let me control the money of a nation and I care not who makes its laws". - Meyer Rothschild, Creator of the Central Banking System
"As nightfall does not come at once, neither does oppression. In both instances there is a twilight where everything remains seemingly unchanged. And it is in such twilight that we all must be aware of change in the air--however slight--lest we become unwitting victims of the darkness."
Justice William O. Douglas
"The herd instinct among economists makes sheep look like independent thinkers."
Jim Sinclair: “Let’s cut the crap. The US deficit is 10.3% of GDP. If the US was part of the EU there would be a call for them to be thrown out, just like Greece. Regardless, the rating agencies and media plow on with the public following them like the sheeples they are.”
"To live for results would be to sentence myself to continuous frustration. My only sure reward is in my actions and not from them." Hugh Prather
"No one understood better than Stalin that the true object of propaganda is neither to convince nor even to persuade, but to produce a uniform pattern of public utterance in which the first trace of unorthodox thought immediately reveals itself as a jarring dissonance."Alan Bullock: "Hitler and Stalin: Parallel Lives"
"Let us not look back in anger or forward in fear, but around in awareness." James Thurber
"Treat people as if they were what they ought to be and you help them to become what they are capable of being." Goethe
Just because we share an enemy, don't assume I'm on your side.
marți, 12 ianuarie 2010
Tribute to the heroes

Bill Hicks
Bill Hicks is a legend; He was a stand up comedian. He used tell jokes about some of the most serious issues in life whether it was political, spiritual or religious. Very smart guy that used to give out truth about the world in his jokes but make it really funny at the same time because he knew this was a powerful way to get the message across, take it or leave it and he didn’t care whatsoever about what people thought. He was banned from TV shows and sometimes wasn’t allowed to be on air because of the stuff he was saying. Through his tough times trying to get the word out and trying to change our collective unconscious he died in 1994.

David Icke
I think David Icke is one of the most fascinating guys alive today. I have read some of his books including Infinite love is the only truth, The Biggest Secret and I Am Me, I Am Free. He had amazing books with a lot of fascinating facts and insights to the most troubling issues on this planet today going back into ancient times. This is a guy who has done his homework for many years, I admire David immensely due to the fact that he is one of the most laughed at guys in the world but his determination and courage still stays strong, regardless of how much he is laughed at or ridiculed, his ability to be fearless and go out and do what is necessary on a global scale. This guy has been labelled "crazy" by the media and government which has then been a belief that has been put into people’s heads so they don’t read his books. David’s fan base has been rapidly increasing over the years as many people spontaneously wake up and are lead to his books. His books are excellent and with some of the most un-denying facts and proof of what he says, I recommend his books and his speeches to anyone who is interested. Despite the amount of ridicule and troubles David has had trying to release his work he's still trying his best to spread the word to people who want to hear without having the fear of what others think.

Alex Jones
Alex Jones is a great guy, He does a lot of research into the government and the global elite, He tries his best to expose the New World Order and get the facts to the public. He only releases information based on the facts and proof he has and does a very good job, What makes him a hero mostly is that he has been the only person to infiltrate Bohemian Grove and escape with video footage of the ritual and other things that go on there, All though he is a Christian and gets angry a lot but he is very good at what he does and he is very smart in terms of standing up to politicians and governmental people. His research and the ability to put it into action is incredible, he is a very informed guy to everything that goes on politically and has stopped the patriot act being introduced in over four states in the US.
John Perkins (ex-"asasinul" economic)
subtitrat in romana
Foarte, foarte interesant, o conferinta a autorului cartii "Confesiunile unui asasin economic", tinuta in fata veteranilor armatei USA (multe din faptele relatate prezinta similaritati cu derularea evenimentelor din Romania din ultimii 20 de ani)
luni, 11 ianuarie 2010
Bill Hicks (1961 - 1994 R.I.P.)
Some people have been on the ride for a long time and after a while they begin to question: Is this real, or is it just a ride? But some people have remembered, and they come back to us and they say. "Hey, don't worry and don't be afraid ever, because this is just a ride" - and we kill those people...
"Shut him up! Ive got a lot invested in this ride... Look at my furrows of worry... Look at my big bank account... Look at my family... This has to be real"
But it's just a ride.
But we always kill those good guys who try to tell us that and we let the demons run amok. But it doesnt matter, because it's just a ride - and we can change it any time we want.
All we need is the choice.
No effort, no work, no job, no savings or money - just a choice - right now - between fear & love.
The eyes of fear want you to put bigger locks on your doors, buy guns and and close yourself off, the eyes of love instead, see all of us as one.
Here's what we can do to change the world to a better ride right now. Take all the money we spend on weapons and defence every year and instead spend it feeding, clothing and educating the poor of the world, which it would many times over, not one human being excluded and we can explore space...
both inner and outer...
...in peace.
I smoke. If this bothers anyone, I suggest you look around at the world in which we live and shut your fuckin' mouth.
Your denial is beneath you, and thanks to the use of hallucinogenic drugs, I see through you.
A lot of Christians wear crosses around their necks. You think when Jesus comes back he ever wants to see a fucking cross? It's like going up to Jackie Onassis wearing a rifle pendant.
Watching television is like taking black spray paint to your third eye.
If you don't believe drugs have done good things for us, then go home and burn all your records, all your tapes, and all your CDs because every one of those artists who have made brilliant music and enhanced your lives? RrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrEAL fucking high on drugs. The Beatles were so fucking high they let Ringo sing a few songs.
Children are smarter than any of us. Know how I know that? I don't know one child with a full time job and children.
Childbirth is no more a miracle then eating food and a turd coming out of your ass.
I have never seen two people on pot get in a fight because it is fucking IMPOSSIBLE. "Hey, buddy!" "Hey, what?" "Ummmmmmm...." End of argument.
Here is my final point. About drugs, about alcohol, about pornography and smoking and everything else. What business is it of yours what I do, read, buy, see, say, think, who I fuck, what I take into my body - as long as I do not harm another human being on this planet?
Why is marijuana against the law? It grows naturally upon our planet. Doesn't the idea of making nature against the law seem to you a bit... unnatural? You know what I mean? It's nature. How do you make nature against the fucking law?
I can speak for every guy in this room here tonight. Guys, if you could blow yourselves, ladies, you'd be in this room alone right now. Watching an empty stage.
They lie about marijuana. Tell you pot-smoking makes you unmotivated. Lie! When you're high, you can do everything you normally do, just as well. You just realize that it's not worth the fucking effort. There is a difference.
You ever noticed how people who believe in Creationism look really unevolved? You ever noticed that? Eyes real close together, eyebrow ridges, big furry hands and feet. "I believe God created me in one day" Yeah, looks liked He rushed it.
I love talking about the Kennedy assasination. The reason I do is because I'm fascinated by it. I'm fascinated that our government could lie to us so blatantly, so obviously for so long, and we do absolutely nothing about it. I think that's interesting in what is ostensibly a democracy. Sarcasm - come on in. People say "Bill, quit talking about Kennedy man. It was a long time ago, just let it go, alright? It's a long time ago, just forget it." I'm like, alright, then don't bring up Jesus to me. As long as we're talking shelf life here...
We are the facilitators of our own creative evolution.
We all pay for life with death, so everything in between should be free.
It's always funny until someone gets hurt. Then it's just hilarious.
By the way, if anyone here is in advertising or marketing, kill yourself. Thank you, thank you. No really, there's no rationalisation for what you do, and you are Satan's little helpers, OK? Kill yourselves, seriously. You're the ruiner of all things good. Seriously, no, this is not a joke. "There's gonna be a joke coming..." There's no fucking joke coming, you are Satan's spawn, filling the world with bile and garbage, you are fucked and you are fucking us, kill yourselves, it's the only way to save your fucking soul. Kill yourself, kill yourself, kill yourself now. Now, back to the show.
I've learned a lot about women. I think I've learned exactly how the fall of man occured in the Garden of Eden. Adam and Eve were in the Garden of Eden, and Adam said one day, "Wow, Eve, here we are, at one with nature, at one with God, we'll never age, we'll never die, and all our dreams come true the instant that we have them." And Eve said, "Yeah... it's just not enough is it?"
Go back to bed, America, your government has figured out how it all transpired. Go back to bed America, your goverment is in control. Here, here's American Gladiators. Watch this, shut up, go back to bed America, here is American Gladiators, here is 56 channels of it! Watch these pituitary retards bang their fucking skulls together and congratulate you on the living in the land of freedom. Here you go America - you are free to do what well tell you! You are free to do what we tell you!
The worst kind of non-smokers are the ones that come up to you and cough. That's pretty fucking cruel isn't it? Do you go up to cripples and dance too?
If the FBI's motivating factor for busting down the Koresh compound was child abuse, how come we never see Bradley tanks smashing into Catholic churches?
I love the Pope, I love seeing him in his Pope-Mobile, his three feet of bullet proof plexi-glass. That's faith in action folks! You know he's got God on his side.
sâmbătă, 9 ianuarie 2010
Recalling our power- by Mary Croft
We are constantly living in our memories. We can never experience anything as ‘new’ and our ability to “Be Here Now” is prevented. Ho’oponopono allows the Divinity within us to erase the memories which are causing us to react to all information, persons, and situations.
Everything but “peace” is a memory! This means that all ‘negative’ thoughts, annoying circumstances, disease, our reaction to people, and everything, other than peace of mind, is a memory. The conscious mind is capable of processing only 15 bits of the 11 million bits of information we perceive subconsciously, every second. It is idiocy to think that we know what is going on in the world.
Not only do we not know anything but also we have no need to know anything. The desire for information and knowledge is our conscious mind/ego’s desire to remain in control. But, that’s impossible because it cannot process the vast amount of information with which we are presented every second.
Those whom we meet in commercial situations – cops, judges, bankers, et al – are only there for us to realize that we must clean on our memory, traumas, beliefs . Blaming them only further empowers them and disempowers us.
The solution is within ourselves and no amount of knowledge, processes, information, remedies, etc. can relieve us of the horrors which we have all suffered, by our own memories. We must quit listening to others, reading, learning, or studying commercial “solutions”.
But, notice that the propaganda is designed to keep our attention on healing the mirror image (world) and away from healing ourselves. It is the global elitists’ way of saying, “Look over here, at the image, so that you will not look to the source.
That which appears to be going on in the world is really only a result of what is going on in the mind. The only place our attention ought to be is on us and ‘cleaning on’ those memories which are preventing us from experiencing peace. There is no authority outside of us. We are the authority.
We must stop giving our memories our power. They are what keeps us from living our lives. Everything in our lives which pains us is always, only a result of our memory.
The concept of A Course In Miracles: We are three minds: the ego, the spirit, and the one who chooses to which one to listen. We must learn to chose ‘spirit’/Divinity to be the one to dictate our actions and experiences.
Most are seeking more information, hence, I want LESS information. I want to unplug; I want less on my mind, tune into the frequency of my Divinity, turn on to who I really am: an innocent who has no knowledge of the world,.
In meditation, we strive to get to “no thought”. My ego does not want me to meditate because it thrives on my attention and, to the ego, my not paying attention to it means ‘death’. It will do anything to hold my attention, keep me thinking its thoughts, and holding its beliefs. It doesn’t care whether these beliefs are negative or positive, as long as it has the authority, over me, on what to believe. Thoughts themselves are the problem. So, the cliché, “think positive” is a hazardous concept. We do not have thoughts; thoughts have us. When we can reach neutrality, we are FREE.
The four phrases of Ho’oponopono allow us to be responsible for all our thoughts, feelings, behaviour, problems, relationships, actions and reactions, circumstances, and even the opportunities which come our way:
I love you (I love you, Divinity, which is all of us and everything)
I’m sorry (I’m sorry for bringing, to this situation or this divine being, my memories which are assessing the circumstances and influencing my experience.)
Please forgive me (Please forgive me for bringing my memories, judgements, fear, information, traumas, ‘knowledge’, data, ‘facts’, and opinions of the ‘there and then’ into the Here and Now.)
Thank you (It is done. So be it)
These phrases encompass love, correction, forgiveness, and gratitude.
This is all we require to live in love and peace
joi, 7 ianuarie 2010
Intelepciune amerindiana
Vreau sa stiu ce foc arde in tine si daca ai cutezanta sa visezi la realizarea a ceea ce porti in inima ta.
Nu ma intereseaza cati ani ai,
Vreau sa stiu daca iti asumi riscul sa pari nebun
in numele iubirii tale, viselor tale si aventurii care este viata ta.
Nu ma intereseaza care planeta este in careu cu luna ta,
Vreau sa stiu daca ai atins cerul propriei tale tristeti, daca te-ai deschis datorita tradarilor vietii,
sau daca te-ai asprit si daca te-ai inchis de teama unui necaz viitor.
Vreau sa stiu daca poti sa te asezi cu durerea, a mea, sau a ta, fara sa incerci sa o ascunzi, sa o micsorezi sau sa o opresti.
Vreau sa stiu daca poti sa simti fericirea, a mea, sau a ta, daca poti dansa cu fervoare si te poti lasa complet cuprins de extaz pana in varful degetelor de la maini si de la picioare, fara sa spui ca trebuie sa fim atenti si realisti ca sa nu cumva sa uitam care sunt limitele fiintelor umane.
Nu ma intereseaza daca ceea ce-mi spui este adevarat,
Vreau sa stiu daca esti gata sa-i deceptionezi pe ceilalti ca sa ramai sincer cu tine insuti si daca poti suporta sa fii acuzat de tradare, dar sa nu-ti tradezi propriul suflet.
Vreau sa stiu daca poti sa fii fidel si deci demn de incredere.
Vreau sa stiu daca poti vedea frumosul chiar daca nu-i tocmai dragut in fiecare zi si daca tu poti simti ca sursa vietii tale rezida in prezenta Sa.
Vreau sa stiu daca poti trai esecurile, ale mele, sau ale tale, si totusi sa continui sa stai drept pe marginea lacului si sa strigi catre argintata luna plina: “Da!”
Nu ma intereseaza unde locuiesti si cat castigi,
Vreau sa stiu daca te poti trezi dupa o noapte de tristete si de disperare, de indoiala sau durere si sa faci ceea ce trebuie facut pentru copii.
Nu ma intereseaza cine esti si cum ai ajuns pana aici,
Vreau sa stiu daca poti sa stai in mijlocul focului alaturi de mine si sa nu renunti.
Nu ma intereaza ce ai invatat sau unde ai invatat si cine te-a invatat ceea ce stii,
Vreau sa stiu ce te hraneste din interior cand totul se prabuseste in jurul tau.
Vreau sa stiu daca poti sa ramai singur cu tine insuti si daca esti fericit intradevar in propria ta companie in aceste momente de vid.
sâmbătă, 2 ianuarie 2010
Ai ucis cu vorbe, grele, mult prea grele, pornirea-mi de-a te ocroti,
Vorbe ce- au sfasiat cu sete din inima mea,
Ai lasat greutatea din lumea mintii tale pe umerii mei,
Arunci ancore in temeri si suferinti, ce nu te lasa sa zbori,sa navighezi pe ape.
Sunt doar un pescarus ce vrea sa zboare alaturi,
Sunt doar un delfin ce vrea sa se scufunde in infinit cu bucuria jocului.
Nu ai riscat sa imi asezi sufletul in palma, fara sa ceri nimic la schimb,
Am astepat, am sperat, m-am recreat, n-a fost primit.
Inca nu ti s-a luminat calea spre linistea sufletului tau,
Da, recunosc, te acuz ca ma acuzi
Masori iubirea in vorbe si nu in stari,caci nu INTELEGI,
Pentru ca nu iti exorcizezi demonii ce nu te vor ferice,
Si iti alegi destin potrivnic noua.
Iti omori creatia sufletului cu amintirea mintii.
Dar, te astept,
Iti astept momentul cand iti vei gasi pacea sufletului, si vei spune: SUNT GATA!
Cand vei simti si-mi vei spune: SUNT A TA! MA PREDAU TIE!
Chiar de vor fi ani, de vor fi vieti,ori evuri.
Chiar de nu voi mai avea aceeasi umbra,
Ori tu acelasi chip
Voi fi tot eu,
Vei fi tot tu.
Parfumul desertului

I have two ways of loving You:
A selfish one
And another way that is worthy of You.
In my selfish love, I remember You and You alone.
In that other love, You lift the veil
And let me feast my eyes on Your Living Face.
The source of my suffering and loneliness is deep in my heart.
This is a disease no doctor can cure.
Only Union with the Friend can cure it.
I have made You the Companion of my heart.
But my body is available to those who desire its company,
And my body is friendly toward its guest,
But the Beloved of my heart is the guest of my soul.
Rabi´a al-Adawiyya translation by Andrew Harvey and Eryk Hanut - 'Perfume of the Desert'