sâmbătă, 10 noiembrie 2012

Un om real ajuns presedinte

Presedintele Mujica al Uruguayului la RIO, in 2012, despre globalizare, competittie, societate de consum:

"Is it possible to talk about solidarity and of "being all together" in an economy based on ruthless competition"? 
"Este posibil sa vorbim despre solidaritate si "sa fim toti impreuna" intr-o economie bazata pe competitie acerba?"

Jose Mujica

"Mi se spune ca sunt cel mai sarac presedinte, dar eu nu ma simt deloc sarac. Saraci sunt oamenii care muncesc din greu ca sa poate duce un stil de viata luxos, ajungand sa-si doreasca din ce in ce mai mult. Este un lucru care tine de libertate. Daca nu ai multe bunuri materiale, nu trebuie sa muncesti ca sa le poti intretine, asa ca ai mai mult timp pentru tine. Poate par un batran excentric... Dar este vorba doar despre o alegere personala", a explicat liderul uruguayan.

La 77 de ani, Mujica se declara un om implinit. Cu toate acestea, viata sa nu a fost mereu simpla. Acesta a petrecut 14 ani in inchisoare si sustine ca aceasta experienta l-a ajutat sa-si dea seama ce conteaza cu adevarat in viata.

The president of Uruguay, José Mujica, has earned a nickname, "el presidente mas pobre" (translation: "poorest president"). The 77-year-old recently admitted to the Spanish newspaper El Mundo that he donates almost all of his presidential salary, making him the poorest, or, as Univision pointed out, most generous president, in the world. El presidente explained he receives $12,500 a month but keeps only $1,250. The public servant told the newspaper, "I do fine with that amount; I have to do fine because there are many Uruguayans who live with much less." He and his wife—a senator who also donates part of her salary—live in a farmhouse in Montevideo. His biggest expense is his Volkswagen Beetle, valued at $1,945. Perhaps not surprisingly, under the former guerrilla fighter, who was elected in 2010 as a member of the left-wing coalition, the Broad Front, the country has become known for being one of the least corrupt on the continent. Mujica has no bank accounts and no debt, and he enjoys one thing money can't buy: the companionship of his dog, Manuela.

2 comentarii:

Anonim spunea...

Respect total.....
Arriba Espana !

Pintea Haiducul spunea...
