daca pt cazul dezastrului provocat de BP in Golful Mexic, astia au fost obligati de USA sa plateasca despagubiri de 20 miliarde dolari, sunt catastrofe mult mai mari pt care multinationalele petroliere au ramas putin sau deloc pedepsite, pt ca s-au intamplat in tari din lumea a treia:
1. delta Nigerului - compania Shell polueaza anual cu deversare de petrol zona cu intreaga cantitate deversata acum in Golful Mexic:si, cumulat, de 50 de ori cantitatea deversata de petrol a companiei ExxonValdez in Alaska; in regiune durata medie a vietii a ajuns la 40 ani din cauza poluarii;
2.Catastrofa ecologica cu daune mult mai mari decat cea din Golful Mexic,provocata de deversarea de petrol si deseuri a Chevron in Amazon- zona Ecuadorului, in padurile tropicale, ,pt care s-au spalat pe maini cu 40 mil dolari despagubiri
cancer rates are statistically higher in the oil producing village of San Carlos than should be expected.
3. si cel mai mare dezastru ecologic, cel din Bhopal, al companiei - evident - americane,Union Carbide- care a afectat jumatate de milion de oameni, plus zeci de mii de morti, si pentru care nu si-a asumat responsabilitatea, platind dupa multi ani , doar 470 mil dolari, printr-un acord cu guvernul indian.
Bhopal gas victims hold wanted posters of former Union Carbide chairman Warren Anderson
marți, 29 iunie 2010
Razboiul cu Iranul, ultimele pregatiri
A sosit al treilea portavion:
Washington has posted a third carrier opposite Iran's shores. It is supported by amphibious assault ships and up to 4,000 Navy and Marine Corps personnel, bringing the total US strength in these waters to three carriers and 10,000 combat personnel.
Washington has posted a third carrier opposite Iran's shores. It is supported by amphibious assault ships and up to 4,000 Navy and Marine Corps personnel, bringing the total US strength in these waters to three carriers and 10,000 combat personnel.
luni, 28 iunie 2010
Comisia Trilaterala are intrunirea anuala pe 2010 la Bucuresti !!!
Conform site-ului trilateral.org întâlnirea regională Europeană din acest an a Comisiei Trilaterale va avea loc la Bucureşti în perioada 15-17 Octombrie 2010. Gazda întrunirii acestui grup ocult va fi Mugur Isărescu singurul român membru atât al Comisiei Trilaterale cât şi al Clubului de la Roma, două dintre organizaţiile de la vârful aristocraţiei globale din care mai fac parte Consiliul pentru Relaţii Externe, Grupul Bilderberg şi Institutul Regal pentru Afaceri Internaţionale.
Mugur Isărescu deţine funcţia de guvernator al Băncii Naţionale a României din anul 1990 fiind singurul funcţionar al statului român care a reuşit să se menţină pe post în mod "miraculos" în ciuda tuturor schimbărilor de regim politic din ultimii 20 de ani şi totodată este cel mai longeviv guvernator de bancă centrală din lume.
Încă din perioada comunistă Mugur Isărescu a lucrat timp de 19 ani ca cercetător ştiinţific la Institutul de Economie Mondială din Bucureşti (o instituţie de acoperire pentru fostul serviciu de informaţii externe din cadrul Securităţii) unde a luat contact cu economia de piaţa, participând la cursuri în Statele Unite. După 1989 a lucrat la Ministerul Afacerilor Externe, apoi ca reprezentant comercial la Ambasada României din Statele Unite ale Americii, iar din septembrie 1990 a ajuns direct Guvernatorul Băncii Naţionale a României.
Între anii 1990-1991, Mugur Isărescu a condus Comisia guvernamentală pentru identificarea şi recuperarea fondurilor deturnate din patrimoniul statului de către Nicolae Ceauşescu şi colaboratorii săi. După rezultatele acestei comisii putem spune că a fost vorba mai curând de o asigurare în continuare a conspirativităţii acestor fonduri decât de o recuperare.
Sub guvernarea lui Mugur Isărescu structurile de conducere ale Băncii Naţionale a României au fost înţesate de masoni, cei mai cunoscuţi dintre cei aflaţi în consiliul de administaţie fiind Virgil Stoenescu şi Bogdan Olteanu. În 2008 chiar Eugen Ovidiu Chirovici, marele maestru al Marii Loji Naţionale Masonice din România a devenit consilier al Guvernatorului BNR.
Comisia Trilaterală este un grup elitist internaţional fondat în 1973 în scopul accelerării instaurării Noii Ordini Mondiale.
„Ideologul” acestei grupări, Zbigniew Brzezinski, fost profesor la Universitatea Columbia, a scris în lucrarea sa “Between Two Ages: The Technetronic Era” publicată în 1971 (Între două epoci: Era tehnocraţiei):
Comisia Trilaterală şi Consiliul pentru Relaţii Externe au acelaşi finanţator – David Rockefeller
Fondatorul şi finanţatorul Comisiei Trilaterale este magnatul David Rockefeller, iar „ideologul” grupării este fostul consilier prezidenţial american Zbigniew Brzezinski (foto), care a fost şi primul preşedinte al Comisiei. Membrii Comisiei Trilaterale sunt cooptaţi numai pe bază de invitaţie, dintre conducătorii marilor firme, corporaţii industriale, antreprenori, magnaţi media, bancheri, profesori universitari etc. Acest grup a fost declarat iniţial un simplu “forum de discuţii” (think-tank în limba engleză).
Mugur Isărescu deţine funcţia de guvernator al Băncii Naţionale a României din anul 1990 fiind singurul funcţionar al statului român care a reuşit să se menţină pe post în mod "miraculos" în ciuda tuturor schimbărilor de regim politic din ultimii 20 de ani şi totodată este cel mai longeviv guvernator de bancă centrală din lume.
Încă din perioada comunistă Mugur Isărescu a lucrat timp de 19 ani ca cercetător ştiinţific la Institutul de Economie Mondială din Bucureşti (o instituţie de acoperire pentru fostul serviciu de informaţii externe din cadrul Securităţii) unde a luat contact cu economia de piaţa, participând la cursuri în Statele Unite. După 1989 a lucrat la Ministerul Afacerilor Externe, apoi ca reprezentant comercial la Ambasada României din Statele Unite ale Americii, iar din septembrie 1990 a ajuns direct Guvernatorul Băncii Naţionale a României.
Între anii 1990-1991, Mugur Isărescu a condus Comisia guvernamentală pentru identificarea şi recuperarea fondurilor deturnate din patrimoniul statului de către Nicolae Ceauşescu şi colaboratorii săi. După rezultatele acestei comisii putem spune că a fost vorba mai curând de o asigurare în continuare a conspirativităţii acestor fonduri decât de o recuperare.
Sub guvernarea lui Mugur Isărescu structurile de conducere ale Băncii Naţionale a României au fost înţesate de masoni, cei mai cunoscuţi dintre cei aflaţi în consiliul de administaţie fiind Virgil Stoenescu şi Bogdan Olteanu. În 2008 chiar Eugen Ovidiu Chirovici, marele maestru al Marii Loji Naţionale Masonice din România a devenit consilier al Guvernatorului BNR.
Comisia Trilaterală este un grup elitist internaţional fondat în 1973 în scopul accelerării instaurării Noii Ordini Mondiale.
„Ideologul” acestei grupări, Zbigniew Brzezinski, fost profesor la Universitatea Columbia, a scris în lucrarea sa “Between Two Ages: The Technetronic Era” publicată în 1971 (Între două epoci: Era tehnocraţiei):
“Statul naţional, ca unitate fundamentală de organizare a societăţii umane, a încetat să mai fie principala forţă creatoare în societate. Băncile internaţionale şi corporaţiile multinaţionale acţionează, programează şi planifică viitorul societăţii în termeni care sunt mult mai avansaţi decât conceptele politice ale statelor naţionale.”
Fondatorul şi finanţatorul Comisiei Trilaterale este magnatul David Rockefeller, iar „ideologul” grupării este fostul consilier prezidenţial american Zbigniew Brzezinski (foto), care a fost şi primul preşedinte al Comisiei. Membrii Comisiei Trilaterale sunt cooptaţi numai pe bază de invitaţie, dintre conducătorii marilor firme, corporaţii industriale, antreprenori, magnaţi media, bancheri, profesori universitari etc. Acest grup a fost declarat iniţial un simplu “forum de discuţii” (think-tank în limba engleză).
"G-8 absolut convinsi ca Israel va ataca Iranul" declara PM Italiei
World leaders "believe absolutely" that Israel may decide to take military action against Iran to prevent the latter from acquiring nuclear weapons, Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi said Saturday.
“Iran is not guaranteeing a peaceful production of nuclear power [so] the members of the G-8 are worried and believe absolutely that Israel will probably react preemptively,” Berlusconi told reporters following talks with other Group of Eight leaders north of Toronto.
“Iran is not guaranteeing a peaceful production of nuclear power [so] the members of the G-8 are worried and believe absolutely that Israel will probably react preemptively,” Berlusconi told reporters following talks with other Group of Eight leaders north of Toronto.
Proteste la reuniunea G20 de la Toronto si provocarile politiei
Canada este o tara fascista care se ascunde sub masca multiculturalismului, corectitudinii politice si a "diversitatii"... de fapt totul este o morcirla de conformism iar daca misti, esti reprimat imediat. Numarul arestatilor deja a urcat la 600, recunoaste chiar Reuters.
De asemenea, politia foloseste la astfel de manifestatii agenti provocatori, asa cum a recunoscut si in alte dati: sursa aici, si video aici:
De asemenea, politia foloseste la astfel de manifestatii agenti provocatori, asa cum a recunoscut si in alte dati: sursa aici, si video aici:
duminică, 27 iunie 2010
...citatele zilei
"When we get piled upon one another in large cities, as in Europe, we shall become as corrupt as Europe." -Thomas Jefferson
All things are subject to interpretation. Whichever interpretation prevails at a given time is a function of power and not truth.
"Everything you now do is something you have chosen to do. Some people don't want to believe that. But if you're over age twenty-one, your life is what you're making of it. To change your life, you need to change your priorities."
- John C. Maxwell
All things are subject to interpretation. Whichever interpretation prevails at a given time is a function of power and not truth.
"Everything you now do is something you have chosen to do. Some people don't want to believe that. But if you're over age twenty-one, your life is what you're making of it. To change your life, you need to change your priorities."
- John C. Maxwell
illusion of freedom will continue as long as it’s profitable to
continue the illusion. At the point where the illusion becomes too
expensive to maintain, they will just take down the scenery, they will
pull back the curtains, they will move the tables and chairs out of the
way, and you will see the brick wall at the back of the theatre.” –
Frank Zappa, 1977
cheaters prosper, we end up with the worst possible system and to call
it a free market system is an obscenity. -William Black
"If we don't believe in freedom of expression for people we despise, we don't believe in it at all."
-- Noam Chomsky
"To be hopeful in bad times is not just foolishly romantic. It is based on the fact that human history is a history not only of cruelty, but also of compassion, sacrifice, courage, kindness. What we choose to emphasize in this complex history will determine our lives. If we see only the worst, it destroys our capacity to do something. If we remember those times and places - and there are so many - where people have behaved magnificently, this gives us the energy to act, and at least the possibility of sending this spinning top of a world in a different direction.. And if we do act, in however small a way, we don't have to wait for some grand utopian future. The future is an infinite succession of presents, and to live now as we think human beings should live, in defiance of all that is bad around us, is itself a marvelous victory."
- Howard Zinn
"To be hopeful in bad times is not just foolishly romantic. It is based on the fact that human history is a history not only of cruelty, but also of compassion, sacrifice, courage, kindness. What we choose to emphasize in this complex history will determine our lives. If we see only the worst, it destroys our capacity to do something. If we remember those times and places - and there are so many - where people have behaved magnificently, this gives us the energy to act, and at least the possibility of sending this spinning top of a world in a different direction.. And if we do act, in however small a way, we don't have to wait for some grand utopian future. The future is an infinite succession of presents, and to live now as we think human beings should live, in defiance of all that is bad around us, is itself a marvelous victory."
- Howard Zinn
Consumul - manipularea semnificatiilor
Thus, signs have lost any connection with what they used to refer to. We have shifted from the order of production (capitalism) to the order of simulacra (postcapitalism), where signs, and thus the whole system as well, are self-referential. They do not refer to anything that is ‘outside’ as was in the case of the Weberian spirit of capitalism, a calling by God.
Figuratively speaking, postcapitalism could be described using terms connected to religious studies.
There is a whole set of beliefs that ‘explains’ the reality: for example, capitalism is the best of systems, an individual can only be free and happy in capitalism, the one “who works hard, will get
there.” There are also doctrines: the right to own, the free market, the freedom of entrepreneurship. There are places of worship: shopping malls, banks, financial centres, or television programmes devoted only to the economy.
There are organizations and institutes: G8, Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), World Bank (WB), International Monetary Fund (IMF). Finally, there is the area of sacrum: the “Invisible Hand of the Market”; and virtual money, the “wealth.”
Figuratively speaking, postcapitalism could be described using terms connected to religious studies.
There is a whole set of beliefs that ‘explains’ the reality: for example, capitalism is the best of systems, an individual can only be free and happy in capitalism, the one “who works hard, will get
there.” There are also doctrines: the right to own, the free market, the freedom of entrepreneurship. There are places of worship: shopping malls, banks, financial centres, or television programmes devoted only to the economy.
There are organizations and institutes: G8, Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), World Bank (WB), International Monetary Fund (IMF). Finally, there is the area of sacrum: the “Invisible Hand of the Market”; and virtual money, the “wealth.”
vineri, 25 iunie 2010
joi, 24 iunie 2010
"The revolution will not be televised"
Victoria revolutiei lui Hugo Chavez in Venezuela, reusita in ciuda crimelor comise de CIA, de guvernul american, de oligarhia locala aservita intereselor americane, a cenzurii totale a mass-mediei, detinuta total de aceasta oligarhie, a inscenarilor,a incercarilor de lovitura de stat.
O revolutie vazuta din interior, cu imagini de la fata locului si de la momentul respectiv.
Un popor - venezuelean- care merita tot respectul, si de la care avem ce invata, noi-romanii.
O revolutie vazuta din interior, cu imagini de la fata locului si de la momentul respectiv.
Un popor - venezuelean- care merita tot respectul, si de la care avem ce invata, noi-romanii.
luni, 21 iunie 2010
"Do you want to be blind or deaf", they asked me. I thought that if I were to be deaf I won't be able to hear music like this. So I chose to be blind."
De ce e bine sa se legalizeze drogurile
We recoil at the idea of people taking drugs to enhance their intelligence. But why? -
- by Michael S. Gazzaniga, Scientific American Mind, Oct 2005 issue -
"Any child can tell you that some people are smarter than others. But what is the difference between the brain of a Ph.D. student and the brain of the average Joe? If we can figure that out, then a bigger question follows: Is it ethical to turn average Joes into geniuses? Evolutionary theory suggests that if we are smart enough to invent technology that can increase our brain capacity, we should be able to use that advantage. It is the next step in the survival of the fittest. As noted psychologistCorneliu Giurgea stated in the 1970s, "Man is not going to wait passively for millions of years before evolution offers him a better brain."
That said, gnawing concerns persist when it comes to artificially enhancing intelligence. Geneticists and neuroscientists have made great strides in understanding which genes, brain structures and neurochemicals might be altered artificially to increase intelligence. The fear this prospect brings is that a nation of achievers will discard hard work and turn to prescriptions to get ahead."
"If people let government decide which foods they eat and medicines they take, their bodies will soon be in as sorry a state as are the souls of those who live under tyranny."
~Thomas Jefferson
Viata de dupa bani sau criza civilizatiei
Sa presupunem ca-mi dai 1 milion de dolari cu instructiunea: “Investeste-i profitabil si o sa te rasplatesc din plin.” Am tot ce-mi trebuie, asa ca de ce nu? Asa ca ies cu banii in strada si dau banii la intamplare trecatorilor. Ficaruia 10 mii. In schimb, ficare semneaza o hartie pe care scrie “iti datorez 20 de mii de dolari platibili in 5 ani”. Revin la tine si-ti zic: “priveste angajamentele de plata! Ti-am generat un retur pe investitie de 20% pe an!” Tu esti foarte fericit si-mi platesti un comision urias.
Acum am un morman de angajamente de plata (AP) pe care le folosesc pentru a imprumuta si mai multi bani pe care-i imprumut la si mai multi oameni sau le vand altora ca si mine, care fac ca mine. Cumpar si asigurare pentru a contracara incapacitatea de plata a celor imprumutati platind cu aceleasi AP-uri! Asa merge treaba de jur imprejur, fiecare imprumut devenind capitalul cuiva pe baza caruia sa imprumute si mai multi bani. Suntem flamanzi dupa comisioane si bonusuri uriase pentru ca valoarea de fatada a tuturor asset-urilor pe care le-am creat pornind de la acel un milion de dolari a devenit de 50 de ori mai mult.
Si vine ziua in care prima transa de AP-uri intarzie. Dar ghici ce? Persoana care a semnat AP-ul nu poate sa plateasca rata chiar acum! De fapt, o mare parte din imprumutati nu pot. Incerc sa ascund aceasta situatie rusinoasa cat pot de mult dar in scurt timp devii suspicios. Vrei milionul de dolari plus castigul inapoi – cash. Incerc sa vand AP-urile si derivatele pe care le detin dar fiecare este suspicios si nimeni nu este interesat sa cumpere. Firma de asigurari incearca sa-mi acopere pierderile dar poate sa faca asta doar vanzand AP-urile pe care le-a primit de la mine!
Asa ca, intr-un final, Guvernul vine si cumpara AP-urile, face un plan de salvare a firmei de asigurari si a tuturor detinatorilor de AP-uri. Valoarea lor este mult peste un milion de dolari acum. Eu si cu amicul meu ne retragem cu banii castigati. Fiecare din cei multi platesc daunele. Acesta este primul nivel din jocul derulat de catre industria financiara in ultimul deceniu. Este un transfer masiv al bunastarii catre elita financiara alimentata de catre platitorii de taxe si impozite, corporatii multinationale si guverne si in ultima faza de catre munctorii din tari straine care au preluat datoriile USA indirect prin salarii mult mai mici. Oricum, sa vedem criza actuala ca rezultatul unei mari smecherii inseamna sa ratam adevarata stare de lucruri.
Cred ca toti simtim ca ne apropiem de sfarsitul unei ere. La un nivel superficial, este sfarsitul manipularii finantelor-cazino necontrolate. Dar efortul elitelor politice si economice de a repara criza la acest nivel doar dezvaluie adevaratele adancuri. De fapt, criza merge direct pana la fund. Criza a aparut direct din natura banilor si a proprietatii in ziua de azi si va persista si se va intensifica pana cand banii se vor fi transformat complet. Este un proces care tine de decenii si care se afla pe ultima suta de metri. Criza si colapsul sunt construite direct in fundatia ideii de bani asa cum il cunoastem in ziua de azi. Asta este pentru ca banii cauta dobanda, poarta dobanda si, intr-adevar, s-au nascut din dobanda. Ca sa vedem cum functioneaza aceste lucruri, sa se intoarcem la ca cateva concepte de baza in finante. Banii se creaza in momentul in care cineva solicita un imprumut de la o banca (sau mai recent, un imprumut deghizat de la alte feluri de institutii). O datorie este o promisiune ca se va plati in viitor ceva ce se cumpara azi; cu alte cuvinte, a imprumuta bani reprezinta o amanare a comertului. Primesc ceva acum (cumparat cu banii imprumutati) si ma angajez sa ofer ceva in viitor (un bun sau un serviciu ce-l voi vinde in schimbul banilor cu care voi achita imprumutul). O banca sau oricare alt creditor iti va acorda creditul doar daca exista o siguranta ca vei produce bunuri sau produse de valoarea banilor imprumutati. Aceasta “siguranta” este inclusa in contract sub forma de grantie si asta implica rating-ul creditului.
De fiecare data cand folosesti bani, tu, esential vorbind, zici: “am facut cutare lucru sau serviciu care are valoarea echivalenta a ceea ce vreau sa cumpar”. Daca acei bani sunt bani imprumutati, tu zici de fapt ca vei crea acel bun sau serviciu in viitor. Acum intra in scena dobanda. Ce motiveaza o banca sa imprumute bani cuiva de la bun inceput? Este dobanda. Dobanda alimenteaza mecanismul crearii banilor azi. De ficare data cand banii sunt creati din dobanda, necesitatea de a crea bani in viitor se intampla in mod automat. Cantitatea de bani trebuie sa creasca in timp, ceea ce inseamna ca volumul de bunuri si servicii trebuie sa creasc in timp in acelasi fel.
Acum am un morman de angajamente de plata (AP) pe care le folosesc pentru a imprumuta si mai multi bani pe care-i imprumut la si mai multi oameni sau le vand altora ca si mine, care fac ca mine. Cumpar si asigurare pentru a contracara incapacitatea de plata a celor imprumutati platind cu aceleasi AP-uri! Asa merge treaba de jur imprejur, fiecare imprumut devenind capitalul cuiva pe baza caruia sa imprumute si mai multi bani. Suntem flamanzi dupa comisioane si bonusuri uriase pentru ca valoarea de fatada a tuturor asset-urilor pe care le-am creat pornind de la acel un milion de dolari a devenit de 50 de ori mai mult.
Si vine ziua in care prima transa de AP-uri intarzie. Dar ghici ce? Persoana care a semnat AP-ul nu poate sa plateasca rata chiar acum! De fapt, o mare parte din imprumutati nu pot. Incerc sa ascund aceasta situatie rusinoasa cat pot de mult dar in scurt timp devii suspicios. Vrei milionul de dolari plus castigul inapoi – cash. Incerc sa vand AP-urile si derivatele pe care le detin dar fiecare este suspicios si nimeni nu este interesat sa cumpere. Firma de asigurari incearca sa-mi acopere pierderile dar poate sa faca asta doar vanzand AP-urile pe care le-a primit de la mine!
Asa ca, intr-un final, Guvernul vine si cumpara AP-urile, face un plan de salvare a firmei de asigurari si a tuturor detinatorilor de AP-uri. Valoarea lor este mult peste un milion de dolari acum. Eu si cu amicul meu ne retragem cu banii castigati. Fiecare din cei multi platesc daunele. Acesta este primul nivel din jocul derulat de catre industria financiara in ultimul deceniu. Este un transfer masiv al bunastarii catre elita financiara alimentata de catre platitorii de taxe si impozite, corporatii multinationale si guverne si in ultima faza de catre munctorii din tari straine care au preluat datoriile USA indirect prin salarii mult mai mici. Oricum, sa vedem criza actuala ca rezultatul unei mari smecherii inseamna sa ratam adevarata stare de lucruri.
Cred ca toti simtim ca ne apropiem de sfarsitul unei ere. La un nivel superficial, este sfarsitul manipularii finantelor-cazino necontrolate. Dar efortul elitelor politice si economice de a repara criza la acest nivel doar dezvaluie adevaratele adancuri. De fapt, criza merge direct pana la fund. Criza a aparut direct din natura banilor si a proprietatii in ziua de azi si va persista si se va intensifica pana cand banii se vor fi transformat complet. Este un proces care tine de decenii si care se afla pe ultima suta de metri. Criza si colapsul sunt construite direct in fundatia ideii de bani asa cum il cunoastem in ziua de azi. Asta este pentru ca banii cauta dobanda, poarta dobanda si, intr-adevar, s-au nascut din dobanda. Ca sa vedem cum functioneaza aceste lucruri, sa se intoarcem la ca cateva concepte de baza in finante. Banii se creaza in momentul in care cineva solicita un imprumut de la o banca (sau mai recent, un imprumut deghizat de la alte feluri de institutii). O datorie este o promisiune ca se va plati in viitor ceva ce se cumpara azi; cu alte cuvinte, a imprumuta bani reprezinta o amanare a comertului. Primesc ceva acum (cumparat cu banii imprumutati) si ma angajez sa ofer ceva in viitor (un bun sau un serviciu ce-l voi vinde in schimbul banilor cu care voi achita imprumutul). O banca sau oricare alt creditor iti va acorda creditul doar daca exista o siguranta ca vei produce bunuri sau produse de valoarea banilor imprumutati. Aceasta “siguranta” este inclusa in contract sub forma de grantie si asta implica rating-ul creditului.
De fiecare data cand folosesti bani, tu, esential vorbind, zici: “am facut cutare lucru sau serviciu care are valoarea echivalenta a ceea ce vreau sa cumpar”. Daca acei bani sunt bani imprumutati, tu zici de fapt ca vei crea acel bun sau serviciu in viitor. Acum intra in scena dobanda. Ce motiveaza o banca sa imprumute bani cuiva de la bun inceput? Este dobanda. Dobanda alimenteaza mecanismul crearii banilor azi. De ficare data cand banii sunt creati din dobanda, necesitatea de a crea bani in viitor se intampla in mod automat. Cantitatea de bani trebuie sa creasca in timp, ceea ce inseamna ca volumul de bunuri si servicii trebuie sa creasc in timp in acelasi fel.
luni, 14 iunie 2010
"Joyeux Noel"- Craciun fericit (2005)
Evenimentele din film ne apar ca pură fantezie, fiindu-ne greu să credem că ar fi putut avea loc vreodată. Şi totuşi sursele istorice confirmă împrieteniri şi întrajutorări între taberele combatante în timpul primului război mondial. Mai mult decât atât, ele semnalează apariţia de asemenea conjucturi excepţionale nu doar într-un singur loc, ci în mai multe puncte de pe linia frontului. Filmul pune accent pe starea de fraternitate ce a însoţit aceste evenimente din primul război mondial, pe frumuseţea descoperirii adevărului, a realităţii atât de normale, de familiare, realitate ce a fost ascunsă, deformată prin minciună şi manipulare.
Apropierea dintre soldaţi e plină de stângăcii, amintindu-ne de copiii ce cu bunăvoinţă şi candoare îşi fac noi prieteni. Frica şi ura ce stapâneau întreaga zonă sunt gradat alungate, umorul şi buna dispoziţie îşi fac încet apariţia, un puternic spirit de camaradenie uneşte taberele combatante. O uluitoare întrajutorare intervine firesc:
„...artileria noastră vă va bombarda peste zece minute. Şi vă propun să veniţi să vă puneţi la adăpost în tranşeele noastre.”
Această cunoaştere directă dintre tabere disipă valul minciunii şi produce o deschidere puternică a soldaţilor, o înţelegere profundă a manipulării la care au fost supuşi şi deci a ridicolului luptei:
„Toate astea nu mai au nici un sens. Să mori mâine e şi mai absurd decât să fi murit ieri.”
Aceste evenimente constituie cu siguranţă avanpremiera unei viitoare fraternităţi planetare.
Cei ce întreţin şi dezvoltă extraordinara fraternizare sunt locotenenţii taberelor combatante. Oameni obişnuiţi, fără însuşiri fizice şi intelectuale deosebite dar plini de bun simţ, de omenie şi curaj, ei întreprind aceste demersuri de comunicare între tabere.
Deşi regizorul Christian Carion vrea să deturneze imensa încărcătură sublimă a evenimentelor prezentate, direcţionând-o abil, manipulator, în slujba propagandei Uniunii Europene, valorile profund umane ale acestei fraternizări istorice sunt foarte puternice, acoperind şi anulând în mare măsură mesajul propagandistic al filmului. Cu aceste valori divine, autentice: unitate, toleranţă, bunăvoinţă, omenie, altruism, solidaritate, fraternitate, Uniunea Europeana nu a avut, nu are şi nu va avea niciodată vreo legătură.
Ratându-şi obiectivul propagandistic, „Joyeux Noël” devine un film simplu, direct, virulent, optimist, ce ne aduce o atât de necesară rază de speranţă. El pune subtil sub semnul întrebării "normalitatea" actualei societăţi concurenţiale. Filmul este un apel la înţelegere, la omenie, la altruism, la o convieţuire simplă, fără competiţii absurde, fără resentimente, fără ură. Este un apel la fraternizare, la rezistenţă împotriva absurdităţilor, la nonviolenţă, la ieşirea din ignoranţă.
Apropierea dintre soldaţi e plină de stângăcii, amintindu-ne de copiii ce cu bunăvoinţă şi candoare îşi fac noi prieteni. Frica şi ura ce stapâneau întreaga zonă sunt gradat alungate, umorul şi buna dispoziţie îşi fac încet apariţia, un puternic spirit de camaradenie uneşte taberele combatante. O uluitoare întrajutorare intervine firesc:
„...artileria noastră vă va bombarda peste zece minute. Şi vă propun să veniţi să vă puneţi la adăpost în tranşeele noastre.”
Această cunoaştere directă dintre tabere disipă valul minciunii şi produce o deschidere puternică a soldaţilor, o înţelegere profundă a manipulării la care au fost supuşi şi deci a ridicolului luptei:
„Toate astea nu mai au nici un sens. Să mori mâine e şi mai absurd decât să fi murit ieri.”
Aceste evenimente constituie cu siguranţă avanpremiera unei viitoare fraternităţi planetare.
Cei ce întreţin şi dezvoltă extraordinara fraternizare sunt locotenenţii taberelor combatante. Oameni obişnuiţi, fără însuşiri fizice şi intelectuale deosebite dar plini de bun simţ, de omenie şi curaj, ei întreprind aceste demersuri de comunicare între tabere.
Deşi regizorul Christian Carion vrea să deturneze imensa încărcătură sublimă a evenimentelor prezentate, direcţionând-o abil, manipulator, în slujba propagandei Uniunii Europene, valorile profund umane ale acestei fraternizări istorice sunt foarte puternice, acoperind şi anulând în mare măsură mesajul propagandistic al filmului. Cu aceste valori divine, autentice: unitate, toleranţă, bunăvoinţă, omenie, altruism, solidaritate, fraternitate, Uniunea Europeana nu a avut, nu are şi nu va avea niciodată vreo legătură.
Ratându-şi obiectivul propagandistic, „Joyeux Noël” devine un film simplu, direct, virulent, optimist, ce ne aduce o atât de necesară rază de speranţă. El pune subtil sub semnul întrebării "normalitatea" actualei societăţi concurenţiale. Filmul este un apel la înţelegere, la omenie, la altruism, la o convieţuire simplă, fără competiţii absurde, fără resentimente, fără ură. Este un apel la fraternizare, la rezistenţă împotriva absurdităţilor, la nonviolenţă, la ieşirea din ignoranţă.
duminică, 13 iunie 2010
sâmbătă, 12 iunie 2010
vineri, 11 iunie 2010
Evanghelia consumului - The Gospel of Consumption
And the better future we left behind
by Jeffrey Kaplan
PRIVATE CARS WERE RELATIVELY SCARCE in 1919 and horse-drawn conveyances were still common. In residential districts, electric streetlights had not yet replaced many of the old gaslights. And within the home, electricity remained largely a luxury item for the wealthy.
Just ten years later things looked very different. Cars dominated the streets and most urban homes had electric lights, electric flat irons, and vacuum cleaners. In upper-middle-class houses, washing machines, refrigerators, toasters, curling irons, percolators, heating pads, and popcorn poppers were becoming commonplace. And although the first commercial radio station didn’t begin broadcasting until 1920, the American public, with an adult population of about 122 million people, bought 4,438,000 radios in the year 1929 alone.
But despite the apparent tidal wave of new consumer goods and what appeared to be a healthy appetite for their consumption among the well-to-do, industrialists were worried. They feared that the frugal habits maintained by most American families would be difficult to break. Perhaps even more threatening was the fact that the industrial capacity for turning out goods seemed to be increasing at a pace greater than people’s sense that they needed them.
It was this latter concern that led Charles Kettering, director of General Motors Research, to write a 1929 magazine article called “Keep the Consumer Dissatisfied.” He wasn’t suggesting that manufacturers produce shoddy products. Along with many of his corporate cohorts, he was defining a strategic shift for American industry—from fulfilling basic human needs to creating new ones.
In a 1927 interview with the magazine Nation’s Business, Secretary of Labor James J. Davis provided some numbers to illustrate a problem that the New York Times called “need saturation.” Davis noted that “the textile mills of this country can produce all the cloth needed in six months’ operation each year” and that 14 percent of the American shoe factories could produce a year’s supply of footwear. The magazine went on to suggest, “It may be that the world’s needs ultimately will be produced by three days’ work a week.”
Business leaders were less than enthusiastic about the prospect of a society no longer centered on the production of goods. For them, the new “labor-saving” machinery presented not a vision of liberation but a threat to their position at the center of power. John E. Edgerton, president of the National Association of Manufacturers, typified their response when he declared: “I am for everything that will make work happier but against everything that will further subordinate its importance. The emphasis should be put on work—more work and better work.” “Nothing,” he claimed, “breeds radicalism more than unhappiness unless it is leisure.”
By the late 1920s, America’s business and political elite had found a way to defuse the dual threat of stagnating economic growth and a radicalized working class in what one industrial consultant called “the gospel of consumption”—the notion that people could be convinced that however much they have, it isn’t enough. President Herbert Hoover’s 1929 Committee on Recent Economic Changes observed in glowing terms the results: “By advertising and other promotional devices . . . a measurable pull on production has been created which releases capital otherwise tied up.” They celebrated the conceptual breakthrough: “Economically we have a boundless field before us; that there are new wants which will make way endlessly for newer wants, as fast as they are satisfied.”
Today “work and more work” is the accepted way of doing things. If anything, improvements to the labor-saving machinery since the 1920s have intensified the trend. Machines can save labor, but only if they go idle when we possess enough of what they can produce. In other words, the machinery offers us an opportunity to work less, an opportunity that as a society we have chosen not to take. Instead, we have allowed the owners of those machines to define their purpose: not reduction of labor, but “higher productivity”—and with it the imperative to consume virtually everything that the machinery can possibly produce.
by Jeffrey Kaplan
PRIVATE CARS WERE RELATIVELY SCARCE in 1919 and horse-drawn conveyances were still common. In residential districts, electric streetlights had not yet replaced many of the old gaslights. And within the home, electricity remained largely a luxury item for the wealthy.
Just ten years later things looked very different. Cars dominated the streets and most urban homes had electric lights, electric flat irons, and vacuum cleaners. In upper-middle-class houses, washing machines, refrigerators, toasters, curling irons, percolators, heating pads, and popcorn poppers were becoming commonplace. And although the first commercial radio station didn’t begin broadcasting until 1920, the American public, with an adult population of about 122 million people, bought 4,438,000 radios in the year 1929 alone.
But despite the apparent tidal wave of new consumer goods and what appeared to be a healthy appetite for their consumption among the well-to-do, industrialists were worried. They feared that the frugal habits maintained by most American families would be difficult to break. Perhaps even more threatening was the fact that the industrial capacity for turning out goods seemed to be increasing at a pace greater than people’s sense that they needed them.
It was this latter concern that led Charles Kettering, director of General Motors Research, to write a 1929 magazine article called “Keep the Consumer Dissatisfied.” He wasn’t suggesting that manufacturers produce shoddy products. Along with many of his corporate cohorts, he was defining a strategic shift for American industry—from fulfilling basic human needs to creating new ones.
In a 1927 interview with the magazine Nation’s Business, Secretary of Labor James J. Davis provided some numbers to illustrate a problem that the New York Times called “need saturation.” Davis noted that “the textile mills of this country can produce all the cloth needed in six months’ operation each year” and that 14 percent of the American shoe factories could produce a year’s supply of footwear. The magazine went on to suggest, “It may be that the world’s needs ultimately will be produced by three days’ work a week.”
Business leaders were less than enthusiastic about the prospect of a society no longer centered on the production of goods. For them, the new “labor-saving” machinery presented not a vision of liberation but a threat to their position at the center of power. John E. Edgerton, president of the National Association of Manufacturers, typified their response when he declared: “I am for everything that will make work happier but against everything that will further subordinate its importance. The emphasis should be put on work—more work and better work.” “Nothing,” he claimed, “breeds radicalism more than unhappiness unless it is leisure.”
By the late 1920s, America’s business and political elite had found a way to defuse the dual threat of stagnating economic growth and a radicalized working class in what one industrial consultant called “the gospel of consumption”—the notion that people could be convinced that however much they have, it isn’t enough. President Herbert Hoover’s 1929 Committee on Recent Economic Changes observed in glowing terms the results: “By advertising and other promotional devices . . . a measurable pull on production has been created which releases capital otherwise tied up.” They celebrated the conceptual breakthrough: “Economically we have a boundless field before us; that there are new wants which will make way endlessly for newer wants, as fast as they are satisfied.”
Today “work and more work” is the accepted way of doing things. If anything, improvements to the labor-saving machinery since the 1920s have intensified the trend. Machines can save labor, but only if they go idle when we possess enough of what they can produce. In other words, the machinery offers us an opportunity to work less, an opportunity that as a society we have chosen not to take. Instead, we have allowed the owners of those machines to define their purpose: not reduction of labor, but “higher productivity”—and with it the imperative to consume virtually everything that the machinery can possibly produce.
joi, 10 iunie 2010
De-civilizare : un blog remarcabil
Ma simt dator sa remarc un blog deosebit, cu o viziune pe cat de simpla pe atat de deschizatoare de noi orizonturi, insa din pacate, ignorata de marea masa a oamenilor, un blog ce ne propune reintoarcerea la firesc, la comuniunea cu natura, ideea de-civilizarii, prin revenirea la perceptia ancestrala a omenirii, cea tribalista, de integrare in comunitatea vietii; inlocuirea, abandonarea actualului status-quo, a filozofiei pe care e construita civilizatia actuala, "moderna",cea bazata pe munca, rutina si negarea naturii umane, care a adus si aduce atatea prejudicii si suferinta.
miercuri, 9 iunie 2010
Studiu despre efectele marijuanei asupra soferilor
Un studiu efectuat de medicii de la Hartford Hospital precum si de cercetatorii de la University of Iowa Carver College of Medicine, arata inca o data, ca efectele consumului de marijuana asupra persoanelor aflate la volan este neglijabil. In detaliu aici:
marți, 8 iunie 2010
China- Satele cancerului
Un scurt filmulet despre partea nevazuta a dezvoltarii economice a Chinei: sute de "sate ale cancerului", pline de bolnavi, datorate poluarii devastatoare, in special a surselor de apa:
duminică, 6 iunie 2010
The machine in our heads, by Glenn Parton
The environmental crisis consists of the deterioration and outright destruction of micro and macro ecosystems worldwide, entailing the elimination of countless numbers of wild creatures from the air, land, and sea, with many species being pushed to the brink of extinction, and into extinction. People who passively allow this to happen, not to mention those who actively promote it for economic or other reasons, are already a good distance down the road to insanity. Most people do not see, understand, or care very much about this catastrophe of the planet because they are overwhelmingly preoccupied with grave psychological problems. The environmental crisis is rooted in the psychological crisis of the modern individual. This makes the search for an eco-psychology crucial; we must understand better what terrible thing is happening to the modern human mind, why it is happening, and what can be done about it.
Deep Thinking
The solution to the global environmental crisis we face today depends far less on the dissemination of new information than it does on the re-emergence into consciousness of old ideas. Primitive ideas or tribal ideas, kinship, solidarity, community, direct democracy, diversity, harmony with nature provide the framework or foundation of any rational or sane society. Today, these primal ideas, gifts of our ancestral heritage, are blocked from entering consciousness. The vast majority of modern people cannot see the basic truths that our ancient ancestors knew and that we must know again, about living within the balance of nature. We are lost in endless political debates, scientific research, and compromises because what is self-evident to the primitive mind has been forgotten.
For hundreds of thousands of years, until the beginning of civilization about 10,000 years ago, humans lived in tribal societies, which produced tribal consciousness a set of workable ideas or guiding principles concerning living together successfully on a diverse and healthy planet. The invasion of civilization into one tribal locale after another, around the globe, has been so swift and deadly that we may speak of the trauma of civilization. Because tribal peoples were unprepared and unable to deal with the onslaught of civilization, tribal consciousness was driven underground, becoming something forbidden and dangerous. Conquered peoples became afraid to think and act according to the old ways, on pain of death. There is much fear that lies at the origin of civilization.
Ontogeny recapitulates phylogeny that is to say, the development of the individual is an abbreviated repetition of the development of the species. In childhood, a modern person travels an enormous distance between stone-age primitive creature and responsible contemporary citizen. When confronted with the awesome power of civilization whose first representatives are parents, teachers, priests (and, later on, police officers, legislators and bosses) the child faces, psychologically, the same situation as its tribal ancestors, namely, conform to the dictates of civilization or die. The helplessness of childhood makes the threat of bodily harm or loss of love, which is used by the parents and others to enforce civilized morality and civilized education, a traumatic experience. The developing little person becomes afraid to express its own tribal nature. There is much fear that lies at the bottom of becoming a civilized adult.
When the child becomes aware of ideas and impulses that oppose the dictates of civilization, s/he experiences anxiety, which is the signal for danger. It is not the insights and urges themselves that the child fears, but rather the reaction to them on the part of those in charge. Since the child cannot escape from those who control its life, s/he runs away from dangerous thoughts and feelings. In other words, the child institutes repression of its primitive self. Tribal ideas are now isolated, cut off from awareness, and unable to properly influence the future course of events.
The trauma or inescapable terror of civilization is responsible for the derangement of reason. That inner dialogue in the human mind that is the hallmark of self-consciousness has ceased, because the depth-dimension of reflective thought, which is the primitive mind, has been silenced. Modern people no longer hear their own primal voice, and without interaction between new ideas and old ideas, the demands of the individual and the demands of the tribe (and species), there is no deep thinking. On the contrary, when reason is cut off at the roots, it becomes shallow, unable to determine what is of true value in life.
The passage of tribal ideas from the oldest and deepest layer of the mind into individual consciousness is part of the natural, normal functioning of the human mind. Deep thinking is not the result of education; it is innate, our birthright as Homo sapiens. What civilization has done is to disrupt the free flow of ideas in the human mind by shutting down the primitive mind through traumatic socialization. In such a situation, cut off from the time-tested and proven ideas of prehistory, reason becomes one-dimensional, and is unable to solve the problems of modern life. No amount of new information can replace tribal wisdom, which provides the foundation for any good and decent life.
None of what has been said here denies the concept of progress, but it means that genuine progress is the outcome of deep mental dialogue in which new ideas are accepted or rejected by reference to that great complex of old ideas that have been perfected and passed down from one generation to the next generation over many millennia. In other words, genuine progress builds on basic truth. This is not idealization of primitive culture, but conscious recognition of its solid, intelligent achievements. Because civilization repudiates primitive, basic truth, we have no frame of reference for a good and decent life. What we call progress in the modern world is the aimless and reckless rampage of lost individuals. When one is lost, it is necessary to go back to the place where one had one's bearings, and start anew from there.
The environmental crisis consists of the deterioration and outright destruction of micro and macro ecosystems worldwide, entailing the elimination of countless numbers of wild creatures from the air, land, and sea, with many species being pushed to the brink of extinction, and into extinction. People who passively allow this to happen, not to mention those who actively promote it for economic or other reasons, are already a good distance down the road to insanity. Most people do not see, understand, or care very much about this catastrophe of the planet because they are overwhelmingly preoccupied with grave psychological problems. The environmental crisis is rooted in the psychological crisis of the modern individual. This makes the search for an eco-psychology crucial; we must understand better what terrible thing is happening to the modern human mind, why it is happening, and what can be done about it.
Deep Thinking
The solution to the global environmental crisis we face today depends far less on the dissemination of new information than it does on the re-emergence into consciousness of old ideas. Primitive ideas or tribal ideas, kinship, solidarity, community, direct democracy, diversity, harmony with nature provide the framework or foundation of any rational or sane society. Today, these primal ideas, gifts of our ancestral heritage, are blocked from entering consciousness. The vast majority of modern people cannot see the basic truths that our ancient ancestors knew and that we must know again, about living within the balance of nature. We are lost in endless political debates, scientific research, and compromises because what is self-evident to the primitive mind has been forgotten.
For hundreds of thousands of years, until the beginning of civilization about 10,000 years ago, humans lived in tribal societies, which produced tribal consciousness a set of workable ideas or guiding principles concerning living together successfully on a diverse and healthy planet. The invasion of civilization into one tribal locale after another, around the globe, has been so swift and deadly that we may speak of the trauma of civilization. Because tribal peoples were unprepared and unable to deal with the onslaught of civilization, tribal consciousness was driven underground, becoming something forbidden and dangerous. Conquered peoples became afraid to think and act according to the old ways, on pain of death. There is much fear that lies at the origin of civilization.
Ontogeny recapitulates phylogeny that is to say, the development of the individual is an abbreviated repetition of the development of the species. In childhood, a modern person travels an enormous distance between stone-age primitive creature and responsible contemporary citizen. When confronted with the awesome power of civilization whose first representatives are parents, teachers, priests (and, later on, police officers, legislators and bosses) the child faces, psychologically, the same situation as its tribal ancestors, namely, conform to the dictates of civilization or die. The helplessness of childhood makes the threat of bodily harm or loss of love, which is used by the parents and others to enforce civilized morality and civilized education, a traumatic experience. The developing little person becomes afraid to express its own tribal nature. There is much fear that lies at the bottom of becoming a civilized adult.
When the child becomes aware of ideas and impulses that oppose the dictates of civilization, s/he experiences anxiety, which is the signal for danger. It is not the insights and urges themselves that the child fears, but rather the reaction to them on the part of those in charge. Since the child cannot escape from those who control its life, s/he runs away from dangerous thoughts and feelings. In other words, the child institutes repression of its primitive self. Tribal ideas are now isolated, cut off from awareness, and unable to properly influence the future course of events.
The trauma or inescapable terror of civilization is responsible for the derangement of reason. That inner dialogue in the human mind that is the hallmark of self-consciousness has ceased, because the depth-dimension of reflective thought, which is the primitive mind, has been silenced. Modern people no longer hear their own primal voice, and without interaction between new ideas and old ideas, the demands of the individual and the demands of the tribe (and species), there is no deep thinking. On the contrary, when reason is cut off at the roots, it becomes shallow, unable to determine what is of true value in life.
The passage of tribal ideas from the oldest and deepest layer of the mind into individual consciousness is part of the natural, normal functioning of the human mind. Deep thinking is not the result of education; it is innate, our birthright as Homo sapiens. What civilization has done is to disrupt the free flow of ideas in the human mind by shutting down the primitive mind through traumatic socialization. In such a situation, cut off from the time-tested and proven ideas of prehistory, reason becomes one-dimensional, and is unable to solve the problems of modern life. No amount of new information can replace tribal wisdom, which provides the foundation for any good and decent life.
None of what has been said here denies the concept of progress, but it means that genuine progress is the outcome of deep mental dialogue in which new ideas are accepted or rejected by reference to that great complex of old ideas that have been perfected and passed down from one generation to the next generation over many millennia. In other words, genuine progress builds on basic truth. This is not idealization of primitive culture, but conscious recognition of its solid, intelligent achievements. Because civilization repudiates primitive, basic truth, we have no frame of reference for a good and decent life. What we call progress in the modern world is the aimless and reckless rampage of lost individuals. When one is lost, it is necessary to go back to the place where one had one's bearings, and start anew from there.
citatul zilei
"Few is the number who think with their own minds and feel with their own hearts."
- Albert Einstein
"A person is smart. People are dumb, panicky, dangerous animals. And you know it."
Agent K, Man in Black
WORKING SUCKS by Tim Righteous- excerpts
"I'll Never Work!"
Day after day we get up early and trudge to work. We swallow our pride and put up with being ordered around by the boss. We sweat and toil at jobs we hate, wasting away our lives. Why do we do it? Because we have to? Because we need the money? Or because we don't know how to live any other way?
We work way too hard. Most of us work 40 or more hours a week from when we are 18 years old until after we turn 60. One in four American workers works more than 49 hours a week. One in eight works more than 60 hours a week and one in ten holds down more than one job.
Working this hard is weird and unnatural. For hundreds and thousands of years before the dawn of history, people lived as hunter-gatherers and simple farmers. Hunting and gathering is a pretty relaxed way to make a living. Modern hunter-gatherers like Native Australians "work" less than four hours a day. Even after we gave up the forests and built cities, we still didn't work very hard. During medieval times in Europe, people worked as few as 120 days a year.
There is no reason for us to be working so hard. As advances in technology help us work more productively, we should be able to work less. Today, American workers are ten times more productive than we were 100 years ago. That means, for every hour we work today, we produce as many goods and services as workers produced in ten hours in 1890. That also means we should be able to work one tenth as much, and live just as well, as people did back then. That would be less than eight hours of work a week.
Since we don't work eight hours a week, where did all that extra productivity go? A lot of it went as profits into the pockets of the rich. The rich in America are richer than any other group of people EVER in the history of the world. If we work harder or better, our bosses aren't under any obligation to pay us more or let us work less. Sadly, that's how capitalism works. Capitalism REALLY sucks, but that's beyond the scope of this pamphlet. There are books listed at the end that go into some depth about how capitalism sucks and what we can do about it.)
The rest of that productivity went into "improving" our standard of living. We made a decision to buy more rather than work less. Some of the things we bought really did improve the way we live. Very few homes in 1890 had running water, electricity or flush toilets. But most of what we bought were fluff consumer products like big cars and color TVs that are fun to own, but that we don't really need. The question is: why did we make this choice? Why did we choose to buy more crap instead of working less?
We didn't. American corporations made the choice for us by brain-washing us with advertising. Advertisements are everywhere, telling us we will be happier, better looking, admired, respected and even loved, if we just buy this or that product. of course, we all know that we can't buy happiness or love, but with advertising poking into every part of our lives. it's hard not to give in to the idea that we can buy a better life. Eventually almost everyone does give in to the dull, exhausting trap of work and spend, work and spend, produce and consume.
The price for this choice is high. Work saps our spirit and crushes our sense of freedom. Kissing our boss's ass all day is humiliating. The worst is when we actually get used to being pushed around. Human beings need to be free to develop our independant selves. The more we work, the less we think like free people and the less we think like free people and the more we think like dogs: dull and obedient.
Work takes time from other, better things like being with our families and friends, travelling, making love, drinking beer, painting, writing, reading, playing music, cooking and eating good food, etc. These are the things that make life rich and interesting. Work makes life boring, short and gray.
Work is also killing us. Twenty five thousand American workers are killed each year on the job. Two million more are disabled and 25 million are injured. These numbers don't include the 50 thousand Americans who arekilled each year in car crashes, many of whom are traveling to or from work.
Finally, we can't afford to keep consuming things the way we do. Americans make up only 5% of the world's population, but we consume more than 25% of the wrold's resources and energy. Soon those resources will run out. Our over-producing industies are filling the sky and water with smoke and sludge. Most of the smog in the air comes from people commuting to work in cars. Our consumption habit is ruining the earth.
To keep up the flow of resources into our country, we force the rest of the world (and many poor Americans) to do our dirty work. Poor people in places like Mexico and South Africa sweat al day in factories and mines so that we can have cheap fabric and coal to make our clothes and heat our homes. The median income world-wide is only $2,000 per person a year. The average American makes 65 times the salary of the poorest half of the world. If we could learn to work and consume less, these por people could spend less time working for us, and more time working to feed and house themselves.
If we want to be free, if we want to really live our lives, if we want to live on a healthy planet, if we want to end suffering and exploitation in the world, we will have to learn to work less.
But if I work less, won't I starve?
Most Americans have a terrible fear that if they stop working all the time, they won't be able to afford food and rent. The trick is learning how to work less by learning how to spend a lot less. Living cheap doesn't mean suffering and starving. You can live cheap and also enjoy a comfortable, plentiful life.
If I don't work, what will I do? Working less doesn't mean being unproductive. Take gardening again: Gardening doesn't pay. To make gardening pay, you would have to work like a farmer. But you can easily grow lots of vegetables, possibly enough to live on, simply by goofing around in your garden. Why work?
Life is an adventure if you have the time. There are so many things to do in the world, one person couldn't possibly do them all. It's sad: we get so caught up in our jobs, that whem we get home, we can't tink of anything better to do with ourselves than watch TV. Don't be a zombie slave - quit your job!
Day after day we get up early and trudge to work. We swallow our pride and put up with being ordered around by the boss. We sweat and toil at jobs we hate, wasting away our lives. Why do we do it? Because we have to? Because we need the money? Or because we don't know how to live any other way?
We work way too hard. Most of us work 40 or more hours a week from when we are 18 years old until after we turn 60. One in four American workers works more than 49 hours a week. One in eight works more than 60 hours a week and one in ten holds down more than one job.
Working this hard is weird and unnatural. For hundreds and thousands of years before the dawn of history, people lived as hunter-gatherers and simple farmers. Hunting and gathering is a pretty relaxed way to make a living. Modern hunter-gatherers like Native Australians "work" less than four hours a day. Even after we gave up the forests and built cities, we still didn't work very hard. During medieval times in Europe, people worked as few as 120 days a year.
There is no reason for us to be working so hard. As advances in technology help us work more productively, we should be able to work less. Today, American workers are ten times more productive than we were 100 years ago. That means, for every hour we work today, we produce as many goods and services as workers produced in ten hours in 1890. That also means we should be able to work one tenth as much, and live just as well, as people did back then. That would be less than eight hours of work a week.
Since we don't work eight hours a week, where did all that extra productivity go? A lot of it went as profits into the pockets of the rich. The rich in America are richer than any other group of people EVER in the history of the world. If we work harder or better, our bosses aren't under any obligation to pay us more or let us work less. Sadly, that's how capitalism works. Capitalism REALLY sucks, but that's beyond the scope of this pamphlet. There are books listed at the end that go into some depth about how capitalism sucks and what we can do about it.)
The rest of that productivity went into "improving" our standard of living. We made a decision to buy more rather than work less. Some of the things we bought really did improve the way we live. Very few homes in 1890 had running water, electricity or flush toilets. But most of what we bought were fluff consumer products like big cars and color TVs that are fun to own, but that we don't really need. The question is: why did we make this choice? Why did we choose to buy more crap instead of working less?
We didn't. American corporations made the choice for us by brain-washing us with advertising. Advertisements are everywhere, telling us we will be happier, better looking, admired, respected and even loved, if we just buy this or that product. of course, we all know that we can't buy happiness or love, but with advertising poking into every part of our lives. it's hard not to give in to the idea that we can buy a better life. Eventually almost everyone does give in to the dull, exhausting trap of work and spend, work and spend, produce and consume.
The price for this choice is high. Work saps our spirit and crushes our sense of freedom. Kissing our boss's ass all day is humiliating. The worst is when we actually get used to being pushed around. Human beings need to be free to develop our independant selves. The more we work, the less we think like free people and the less we think like free people and the more we think like dogs: dull and obedient.
Work takes time from other, better things like being with our families and friends, travelling, making love, drinking beer, painting, writing, reading, playing music, cooking and eating good food, etc. These are the things that make life rich and interesting. Work makes life boring, short and gray.
Work is also killing us. Twenty five thousand American workers are killed each year on the job. Two million more are disabled and 25 million are injured. These numbers don't include the 50 thousand Americans who arekilled each year in car crashes, many of whom are traveling to or from work.
Finally, we can't afford to keep consuming things the way we do. Americans make up only 5% of the world's population, but we consume more than 25% of the wrold's resources and energy. Soon those resources will run out. Our over-producing industies are filling the sky and water with smoke and sludge. Most of the smog in the air comes from people commuting to work in cars. Our consumption habit is ruining the earth.
To keep up the flow of resources into our country, we force the rest of the world (and many poor Americans) to do our dirty work. Poor people in places like Mexico and South Africa sweat al day in factories and mines so that we can have cheap fabric and coal to make our clothes and heat our homes. The median income world-wide is only $2,000 per person a year. The average American makes 65 times the salary of the poorest half of the world. If we could learn to work and consume less, these por people could spend less time working for us, and more time working to feed and house themselves.
If we want to be free, if we want to really live our lives, if we want to live on a healthy planet, if we want to end suffering and exploitation in the world, we will have to learn to work less.
But if I work less, won't I starve?
Most Americans have a terrible fear that if they stop working all the time, they won't be able to afford food and rent. The trick is learning how to work less by learning how to spend a lot less. Living cheap doesn't mean suffering and starving. You can live cheap and also enjoy a comfortable, plentiful life.
If I don't work, what will I do? Working less doesn't mean being unproductive. Take gardening again: Gardening doesn't pay. To make gardening pay, you would have to work like a farmer. But you can easily grow lots of vegetables, possibly enough to live on, simply by goofing around in your garden. Why work?
Life is an adventure if you have the time. There are so many things to do in the world, one person couldn't possibly do them all. It's sad: we get so caught up in our jobs, that whem we get home, we can't tink of anything better to do with ourselves than watch TV. Don't be a zombie slave - quit your job!
sâmbătă, 5 iunie 2010
De ce am ajuns aici
Un articol excelent al lui Ilie Sebanescu, in care explica succint traiectoria si scopurile capitalului strain in Romania, si cum a provocat el intrarea in criza actuala:
Pe fond, beneficiarii delirului din perioada 2004-2008 sunt supăraţi acum că de fapt nimic altceva decât consumul pe credit din urmă cu câţiva ani a ajuns să trebuiască a fi plătit, prin scăderi de salarii, prin reduceri de pensii, prin anulări de subvenţii şi alte asemenea.
Căci, să fie clar, creşterea economică obţinută în 2004-2008 era bazată exclusiv pe extinderea consumului pe credit, iar salariile şi pensiile majorate atunci pe seama respectivei creşteri economice erau la fel de efemere ca şi aceasta, urmând a trebui să fie amputate o dată cu dispariţia a ceea ce artificial indusese creşterea economică respectivă, adică finanţarea externă.
Ce a făcut Vestul când l-a lovit criza? A scăzut masiv finanţarea spre Est, staff-urile firmelor decizând ca propriile capitaluri să se întoarcă să apere redutele principale din Vest. Băncile străine din România - până atunci vehiculul expansiunii vestice în România - n-au mai primit bani pentru extindere şi, implicit, au blocat totul în România, întrucât au pus punct consumului şi, corelativ, creşterii economice. În acest fel, au fost activate dintr-o dată, în mod brutal, vulnerabilităţile externe ale ţării, pe care chiar capitalul străin le crease!
"Partea română" (populaţie, firme cu capital românesc, statul) nici nu apucase să facă probleme de plăţi externe ţării. Populaţia nu se împrumutase în străinătate. Firmele cu capital românesc nu fuseseră împrumutate din străinătate. Iar statul avea o datorie derizorie în străinătate şi, oricum, era în grafic cu plăţile. Toate entităţile româneşti, dacă aveau datorii, le aveau la băncile străine din România, fiind vorba de datorii interne, şi nu externe! 80% din datoria externă a ţării era de fapt a firmelor străine din România, a căror expansiune aici fusese finanţată din străinătate.
Acestea aveau plăţi imense de făcut spre străinătate, de fapt îndeosebi spre propriile mame. Totul se contabiliza însă în sume ce trebuiau să iasă ca plăţi din România şi, vai, foarte multe pe termen scurt, căci fusese vorba de sume date subsidiarelor de aici nu cumva pentru investiţii, ci pentru speculaţii pe curs şi pe dobânzi! Capitalul străin angajat în România a aruncat totul asupra ţării-gazdă.
Proprietarii din străinătate ai subsidiarelor din România nu numai că n-au mai finanţat plăţile acestora, deşi era responsabilitatea lor, dar au cerut statului român să le pună la dispoziţie finanţarea pe care încetaseră s-o furnizeze respectivelor subsidiare, ameninţând că, în caz contrar, îşi reduc expunerea financiară pe România, adică pleacă!
Un şantaj de cea mai joasă speţă! Nu că România ar fi pierdut cine ştie ce (ştiindu-se prea bine ce a făcut aici cea mai mare parte din capitalul străin!), dar plecări într-un moment de criză riscă să producă destabilizări, îndeosebi ale monedei naţionale, atât timp cât statul român nu avea bani cu care să echilibreze situaţia.
A fost momentul în care a intervenit în scenă capitalul public din chiar ţările de origine ale capitalului privat responsabil de toată ţărăşenia. Acesta s-a oferit să pună la dispoziţie finanţarea care lipsea! Dar cui? Nu cumva propriilor firme rămase fără finanţare, ci statului român! Acesta este de fapt acordul cu FMI-UE! Cine plăteşte? Statul român, fie că este vorba de Guvern sau de banca centrală, respectiv contribuabilul român!
Păi, cum vine treaba asta, fraţilor? Vasăzică, România - indiferent dacă a lui Iliescu şi Năstase, sau a lui Tăriceanu, sau a lui Băsescu şi Boc - primeşte aproape ca pe o mântuire capitalul privat vestic, acesta face ravagii aici (indiferent dacă unii se fac că nu le văd şi continuă să fredoneze aria mântuirii de către capitalul străin) şi când ravagiile dau pe de lături este chemat capitalul public din Vest să rezolve situaţia. Iar acesta pune statul-gazdă să plătească şi îşi salvează capitalul privat propriu, dar bagă statul-gazdă ca şi în mormânt. Atâţia de prin Occident - din păcate, unii chiar cu certificat de premiaţi Nobel - numesc această chestie jenantă "globalizare" şi îi cântă virtuţile. (va continua)
Pe fond, beneficiarii delirului din perioada 2004-2008 sunt supăraţi acum că de fapt nimic altceva decât consumul pe credit din urmă cu câţiva ani a ajuns să trebuiască a fi plătit, prin scăderi de salarii, prin reduceri de pensii, prin anulări de subvenţii şi alte asemenea.
Căci, să fie clar, creşterea economică obţinută în 2004-2008 era bazată exclusiv pe extinderea consumului pe credit, iar salariile şi pensiile majorate atunci pe seama respectivei creşteri economice erau la fel de efemere ca şi aceasta, urmând a trebui să fie amputate o dată cu dispariţia a ceea ce artificial indusese creşterea economică respectivă, adică finanţarea externă.
Ce a făcut Vestul când l-a lovit criza? A scăzut masiv finanţarea spre Est, staff-urile firmelor decizând ca propriile capitaluri să se întoarcă să apere redutele principale din Vest. Băncile străine din România - până atunci vehiculul expansiunii vestice în România - n-au mai primit bani pentru extindere şi, implicit, au blocat totul în România, întrucât au pus punct consumului şi, corelativ, creşterii economice. În acest fel, au fost activate dintr-o dată, în mod brutal, vulnerabilităţile externe ale ţării, pe care chiar capitalul străin le crease!
"Partea română" (populaţie, firme cu capital românesc, statul) nici nu apucase să facă probleme de plăţi externe ţării. Populaţia nu se împrumutase în străinătate. Firmele cu capital românesc nu fuseseră împrumutate din străinătate. Iar statul avea o datorie derizorie în străinătate şi, oricum, era în grafic cu plăţile. Toate entităţile româneşti, dacă aveau datorii, le aveau la băncile străine din România, fiind vorba de datorii interne, şi nu externe! 80% din datoria externă a ţării era de fapt a firmelor străine din România, a căror expansiune aici fusese finanţată din străinătate.
Acestea aveau plăţi imense de făcut spre străinătate, de fapt îndeosebi spre propriile mame. Totul se contabiliza însă în sume ce trebuiau să iasă ca plăţi din România şi, vai, foarte multe pe termen scurt, căci fusese vorba de sume date subsidiarelor de aici nu cumva pentru investiţii, ci pentru speculaţii pe curs şi pe dobânzi! Capitalul străin angajat în România a aruncat totul asupra ţării-gazdă.
Proprietarii din străinătate ai subsidiarelor din România nu numai că n-au mai finanţat plăţile acestora, deşi era responsabilitatea lor, dar au cerut statului român să le pună la dispoziţie finanţarea pe care încetaseră s-o furnizeze respectivelor subsidiare, ameninţând că, în caz contrar, îşi reduc expunerea financiară pe România, adică pleacă!
Un şantaj de cea mai joasă speţă! Nu că România ar fi pierdut cine ştie ce (ştiindu-se prea bine ce a făcut aici cea mai mare parte din capitalul străin!), dar plecări într-un moment de criză riscă să producă destabilizări, îndeosebi ale monedei naţionale, atât timp cât statul român nu avea bani cu care să echilibreze situaţia.
A fost momentul în care a intervenit în scenă capitalul public din chiar ţările de origine ale capitalului privat responsabil de toată ţărăşenia. Acesta s-a oferit să pună la dispoziţie finanţarea care lipsea! Dar cui? Nu cumva propriilor firme rămase fără finanţare, ci statului român! Acesta este de fapt acordul cu FMI-UE! Cine plăteşte? Statul român, fie că este vorba de Guvern sau de banca centrală, respectiv contribuabilul român!
Păi, cum vine treaba asta, fraţilor? Vasăzică, România - indiferent dacă a lui Iliescu şi Năstase, sau a lui Tăriceanu, sau a lui Băsescu şi Boc - primeşte aproape ca pe o mântuire capitalul privat vestic, acesta face ravagii aici (indiferent dacă unii se fac că nu le văd şi continuă să fredoneze aria mântuirii de către capitalul străin) şi când ravagiile dau pe de lături este chemat capitalul public din Vest să rezolve situaţia. Iar acesta pune statul-gazdă să plătească şi îşi salvează capitalul privat propriu, dar bagă statul-gazdă ca şi în mormânt. Atâţia de prin Occident - din păcate, unii chiar cu certificat de premiaţi Nobel - numesc această chestie jenantă "globalizare" şi îi cântă virtuţile. (va continua)
vineri, 4 iunie 2010
efectele civilizatiei umane...
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