Biserica Ortodoxă din România, dispune de averi şi proprietăţi uriaşe, parazitând fondurile publice la nivel de sute de milioane de euro anual, statul plătind salariile preoţilor, acordând masiv bani publici pentru construcţia de biserici şi scutind, în acelaşi timp, cultele de plata taxelor pe veniturile şi terenurile pe care le are.
Bisericile beneficiază în continuare de privilegii inacceptabile, privilegii specifice, mai degrabă, unor teocraţii. Autorităţile sunt responsabile pentru situaţia în care se plasează singure, şi anume în aceea de a risipi uriaşe fonduri publice anual, inclusiv prin alocări masive de la bugetele centrale şi locale către biserici, în timp ce solicită sprijin financiar internaţional şi fac împrumuturi împovărându-şi suplimentar cetăţenii amânându-le acestora şansa la prosperitate.
marți, 22 noiembrie 2011
...citatele zilei
"Tear Gas: The most effective agent used by employers to persuade their employees that the interests of capital and labour are identical." wiki/T-Bone_Slim
(aka Matti Valentinpoika Huhta (1880 - 1940) was a humourist, poet, songwriter, hobo and labor activist in the Industrial Workers of the World.
"Anarchism does not mean bloodshed; does not mean robbery, arson, etc. These monstrosities are, on the contrary, the characteristic features of capitalism. Anarchism means peace and tranquility to all. Anarchism, or socialism, means the reorganization of society upon scientific principles and the abolition of causes which produce vice and crime. Capitalism first produces these social diseases and then seeks to cure them by punishment." - August Spies
(aka Matti Valentinpoika Huhta (1880 - 1940) was a humourist, poet, songwriter, hobo and labor activist in the Industrial Workers of the World.
"Anarchism does not mean bloodshed; does not mean robbery, arson, etc. These monstrosities are, on the contrary, the characteristic features of capitalism. Anarchism means peace and tranquility to all. Anarchism, or socialism, means the reorganization of society upon scientific principles and the abolition of causes which produce vice and crime. Capitalism first produces these social diseases and then seeks to cure them by punishment." - August Spies
luni, 21 noiembrie 2011
Anarhism in actiune - Revolutia din Spania (1936)
"We carry a new world in our hearts; that world is growing this minute."
- Buenaventura Durruti
vineri, 18 noiembrie 2011
Delegand violenta (english)
People sleep peaceably in their beds at night only because rough men stand ready to do violence on their behalf. George Orwell
History vindicates the criminal. Folk heroes are nearly all bandits, thieves, criminals and miscreants. The true villains of history, and the present, are the law abiding citizens, the lawmakers and those that seek to uphold the laws in the form of policing, judging, imprisoning and punishing the outlaws. If we want to win hearts and minds, we must break the law, the standards and the norms. Violence does not alienate people, laws do.
We live in a profoundly violent society. To live within the standard western lifestyle is to bare witness to this violence, most times unwittingly, in every aspect of our social lives. We can not take part in market exchange without extreme violence having been part of the means of acquisition, production or movement of goods. It should not go without saying, as it must be repeated until it is truly understood, that our very way of life, including the land we occupy, is founded on a form of violence that is so complete that it is called a genocide. The efficiency to which we are violent only leads us to believe that the violence does not really exist, not as violence so much as progress. If headlines read of a workplace homicide, we shudder in cerebral fear, but of mass extinctions, oil spills, toxic poisoning of water, food and air, genocides and slavery, we react with political anger at best, never really able to comprehend the massively violent action that just took place. We may not digest, because the steady diet of it has numbed our senses, or because we have been alienated enough from the violence, that we can comfortably move on. Many of us have workplaces, and coworkers, who at any moment could let loose the final thread that binds them to placid existence, but we do not always live beside the killing fields of natural gas drilling, or oil fields so large they can be seen from space. Distance makes pacifists of murderers.
The daily atrocities of civilized living have set the tone for complacency and dogmatic control. When things are at the tipping point, at the moment we begin to break, we can be reminded that we do not have it "as bad" as the other, without ever acknowledging that this way of life is holding the sword to "the others" throat. We are silenced, ignored, placated, marginalized and compartmentalized to the ends that we stroll along, allowing the abusers to work in "peace", away from the rage they have worked so hard to dumb down within us. Make no mistake that this protects us from getting our hands dirty. This flow of violence will not stop, but build like puss under the scab and let loose upon any of us if we fail to recognize it's source. The greatest trick of politics is to make you believe you are included, and your value then comes from the degree to which you participate. You will be used to meet the ends of the meme. The fervent nationalist does not just come with flags, but also with a dogma of superior non-violence. This could be called the outsourcing of violence, as the violent way of life has never been disrupted, only outsourced.
If we allow the norms set by society to funnel our violence, we will, without fail, attack the vulnerable, the weak, the oppressed, the downtrodden. We will continue to attack women, the indigenous, black people, brown people, animals, the land, and children. And we do, daily. If we take ownership of our violence, we can harness it to attack the oppressors, the abusers, the powerful, the controlling, the dominant, and those on top who have perpetrated the greatest violence against us in history. This explains the massive push by those in privileged positions to vilify the violent dissenter. If the attack on the oppressed were to be reversed, the oppressor is not the only one to feel it's force, but also those that benefit from the violent stranglehold the oppressor has had on the world will be forced to come into account.
We are all guilty."
So long as we continue to fall prey to the soothing hand of privilege, and do nothing to halt the death march of progress, we remain culpable for the violence it forces on the world. It is the norms of a society that maintain it. If you are willing to act within the confines of what is acceptable to that society, you will never bring it to it's knees, but seek to further it's existence, and strengthen it's hold. Nothing is more indictable than the act of maintaining oppression under the guise of protesting it.
History vindicates the criminal. Folk heroes are nearly all bandits, thieves, criminals and miscreants. The true villains of history, and the present, are the law abiding citizens, the lawmakers and those that seek to uphold the laws in the form of policing, judging, imprisoning and punishing the outlaws. If we want to win hearts and minds, we must break the law, the standards and the norms. Violence does not alienate people, laws do.
We live in a profoundly violent society. To live within the standard western lifestyle is to bare witness to this violence, most times unwittingly, in every aspect of our social lives. We can not take part in market exchange without extreme violence having been part of the means of acquisition, production or movement of goods. It should not go without saying, as it must be repeated until it is truly understood, that our very way of life, including the land we occupy, is founded on a form of violence that is so complete that it is called a genocide. The efficiency to which we are violent only leads us to believe that the violence does not really exist, not as violence so much as progress. If headlines read of a workplace homicide, we shudder in cerebral fear, but of mass extinctions, oil spills, toxic poisoning of water, food and air, genocides and slavery, we react with political anger at best, never really able to comprehend the massively violent action that just took place. We may not digest, because the steady diet of it has numbed our senses, or because we have been alienated enough from the violence, that we can comfortably move on. Many of us have workplaces, and coworkers, who at any moment could let loose the final thread that binds them to placid existence, but we do not always live beside the killing fields of natural gas drilling, or oil fields so large they can be seen from space. Distance makes pacifists of murderers.
The daily atrocities of civilized living have set the tone for complacency and dogmatic control. When things are at the tipping point, at the moment we begin to break, we can be reminded that we do not have it "as bad" as the other, without ever acknowledging that this way of life is holding the sword to "the others" throat. We are silenced, ignored, placated, marginalized and compartmentalized to the ends that we stroll along, allowing the abusers to work in "peace", away from the rage they have worked so hard to dumb down within us. Make no mistake that this protects us from getting our hands dirty. This flow of violence will not stop, but build like puss under the scab and let loose upon any of us if we fail to recognize it's source. The greatest trick of politics is to make you believe you are included, and your value then comes from the degree to which you participate. You will be used to meet the ends of the meme. The fervent nationalist does not just come with flags, but also with a dogma of superior non-violence. This could be called the outsourcing of violence, as the violent way of life has never been disrupted, only outsourced.
If we allow the norms set by society to funnel our violence, we will, without fail, attack the vulnerable, the weak, the oppressed, the downtrodden. We will continue to attack women, the indigenous, black people, brown people, animals, the land, and children. And we do, daily. If we take ownership of our violence, we can harness it to attack the oppressors, the abusers, the powerful, the controlling, the dominant, and those on top who have perpetrated the greatest violence against us in history. This explains the massive push by those in privileged positions to vilify the violent dissenter. If the attack on the oppressed were to be reversed, the oppressor is not the only one to feel it's force, but also those that benefit from the violent stranglehold the oppressor has had on the world will be forced to come into account.
We are all guilty."
So long as we continue to fall prey to the soothing hand of privilege, and do nothing to halt the death march of progress, we remain culpable for the violence it forces on the world. It is the norms of a society that maintain it. If you are willing to act within the confines of what is acceptable to that society, you will never bring it to it's knees, but seek to further it's existence, and strengthen it's hold. Nothing is more indictable than the act of maintaining oppression under the guise of protesting it.
joi, 17 noiembrie 2011
2011- Bilderberg si post-democratia
Avand in vedere ca noua garda guvernamentala din Italia si Grecia este compusa din fosti guvernatori ai bancilor “nationale”, care sunt, deloc intamplator, cu totii, si membri de seama trilaterali si bilderbergi, e foarte posibil sa vedem si la noi in tara o astfel de intronizare oficializata a acestor grupari: fie prin Mugur Isarescu, guvernatorul BNR, fie prin Mihai Tanasescu, devenit omul FMI. Mai vehiculat in mass-media ultimelor zile este Isarescu, mai activ si mai vocal in spatiul public decat de obicei, si sustinator fervent al agendelor euro-globaliste de insclavizare economica a Romaniei si de experimentare a proiectelor economice maltusianiste. Daca tot este insusi presedintele UE, un ilustru membru Bilderberg
, atunci de ce sa nu fie trimisi peste tot, in capul treburilor, agentii de baza ai retelei oculte?

Mesajul implicit este foarte clar: mai putina democratie, mai mult autoritarism tehnocratic de factura europeana (intelegand prin asta si ideologia si oamenii Bilderberg/Comisia Trilaterala), mai multa austeritate
pentru“imputitii ortodcsi
“ din Rasarit si pentru macaronarii enervanti din sud!


Ordnung und Disziplin!
In ceea ce priveste articolul din The Economist (care are el insusi un reprezentant in Comisia Trilaterala) el reflecta perfect turnura care se vrea a se da acestor evolutii: decat o Europa cu Merkozy, mai degraba una cu Comisia Europeana. A se remarca si acceptarea resemnata a faptului ca in acest stadiu e necesara renuntarea la democratie, pentru “salvarea zonei euro”…
Sa dezvoltam insa:
Asistam se pare, la inceputul unui “val” de “revolutii” tehnocratice, soft, de cabinet in tarile europene afectate de “criza” special planificata,
unde, atunci cand se atinge momentul de varf al crizei, este inlocuita elita politica aleasa (macar formal si de fatada) democratic, dar lasata sa se compromita la maximum sai sa magnetizeze tot capitalul posibil de ura a populatiei, cu… salvatori “tehnocrati”, in esenta trans-nationali. Inlocuiti pur si simplu la ordin, la modul direct si imediat, de catre noul “politbirou” de la Bruxelles sau, mai bine zis, de la centrele de comanda euro-masonice.

Asadar, acest tehnocratism autoritarist european este forma concreta pe care au luat-o dictaturile malthusiene
– cel putin in Italia si Grecia, avand insa semnele unei adevarate tendinte si, prin urmare, si a unei strategii coordonate de la Bruxelles (sau, mai degraba, de la intrunirile Bilderberg % Comisia Trilaterala). Asistam la o etapa importanta din implementarea noii ordini europene, realizata in asa fel incat sa neutralizeze si eventualele tensiuni acumulate social impotriva impunerii europene a austeritatii, dar si pentru neutralizarea tensiunilor de ordin national.

Miscarea e foarte inteligenta: pe de o parte, plasarea in prim-plan a liderilor statelor puternice din UE, respectiv Angela Merkel si Nicolas Sarkozy, care sa ”capitalizeze” tot depozitul de resentimente ale populatiilor supuse austeritatii, in plus, creandu-se un clivaj cultural artificial: Nordul germanic si eficient economic vs Sudul lenes si cheltuitor.
Pe de alta parte, compromiterea guvernelor nationale dar si a liderilor politici locali, a partidelor nationale, prin incompetenta “exagerata” si sfidatoare, prin acuzele de coruptie, scandaluri neintrerupte, vinovatia acumularii datoriilor publice,aduse in momentul cel mai dificil pentru ele: anume, de a aplica politici economice si sociale extrem de nepopulare.
Astfel, cu mainile lui Merkozy si ale liderilor compromisi ai guvernelor nationale (cum au fost, acum, Papandreou si Berlusconi), Comisia Europeana si BCE, adevaratii responsabili de situatia creata, stau departe de contestarea populara si dreneaza nemultumirea in directii nu neaparat false, dar, oricum, nu esentiale pentru procesul de putere la care asistam. Proces la al carui final Comisia Europeana si BCE vor reprezenta ”SALVAREA” momentului:solutia tehnocrata care, in timpul nostru, ia forma tehnocratului bancar, a omului serios si competent, a expertului unanim recunoscut si apreciat, care mai si ocupa un loc cheie ori in banca nationala ori in Banca CentralaEuropeana.
Faptul ca la acest nivel jocul european pare ca si-a atins obiectivele reiese dinreactiile opiniilor publice din cele doua tari: Italia si Grecia. In Italia oamenii s-au bucurat de parca au scapat de Gaddafi, nu de un lider votat de italieni,si s-au comportat, mimetic, ca o masa de oameni carora li s-a deschis un orizont al sperantei desi bucuria e aberanta: noul premier are sarcina de a aplica politicile austeritatii impuse de UE si FMI la litera. Nu e nimic democratic in plecarea lui Berlusconi, dimpotriva.
Asa si in Grecia, dupa ce poporul a asediat Parlamentul in imagini socante ale revoltelor stradale, acum majoritatea opiniei publice este de acord cu solutia guvernului de uniune nationala condus de Papademos, fost BCE,desi acest guvern va aplica, la litera, programul de austeritate impotriva caruia se dadeau de ceasul mortii sa lupte cu politia pe strazi!
Nu e incredibil cum a reusit acest joc sa depresurizeze opinia publica din cele doua tari si sa o faca sa inghita programul impotriva caruia se mobilizase anterior? E usor de inchipuit cum si poate fi prostita si opinia publica de la noi, prin aducerea lui Isarescu in prim plan, ca un fel de solutie de urgenta de tip european pentru scoaterea tarii din impas. Sa te tii atunci cum toti liderii de opinie care astazi vestejesc austeritatea lui Basescu & Boc cum vor aplauda cu trei maini aceeasi austeritate, daca nu si mai draconica, aplicata de Basescu&Isarescu! Si de ce? In cazul nostru, al romanilor, pentru caexista o prostie snoaba a inchinarii la lumina de la Apus (de la Bruxelles)
si pentru ca Isarescu are o nemeritata popularitate si incredere acordata in sondaje.

Mai este o miza in joc: tot scandalul ”Merkozy” si ”Nord vs Sud” sau ”Vest contra Est” se intrevede a fi depasit, in mod similar solutiei tehnocrate aplicata national, curenuntarea la rolul statelor nationale in elaborarea politicilor economice/fiscale la nivel european. Acumularea tensiunilor si nervilor prin certurile intre natiuni vor fi depasite printr-o ”solutie” de delegare cvasi-totala a suveranitatilor nationale catre Comisia Europeana si BCE. Si desigur ca toata lumea va fi multumita sa scape de dominarea Germaniei sau a Frantei dand puteri plenipotentiare… Comisiei!
In cazul continentului european, etapele construirii noii ordini mondiale intrupata de proiectul UE are propriile sale particularitati, izvorate din conditiile specifice si starea opiniilor publice nationale. Daca in tarile arabe, de pilda, bilderbergii si trilateralii au considerat, din cauza conditiilor sociale si culturale specifice, ca etapa importanta catre o noua ordine mondiala este declansarea unor revolutii prin care tiranii asezati tot de ei sa fie inlaturati, in Europa e altminteri: o drenare a nemultumirilor populare catre guvernele nationale, fie cele proprii, fie ale celor care fac parte din ”clubul selectilor”, pentru a putea impune cu succes ”solutia” tehnocrat-bancara.
Ce forma anume va lua aceasta conducere ”post-democratica” de tip tehnocrat vom incerca sa creionam in alte analize.
Ah… si sa nu credeti ca autoritarismul european nu va fi plebiscitat. Va veni si acel moment, in care insesi natiunile vor vota delegarea de suveranitate catre o conducere centrala europeana. De altfel, acesta este intreg sensul procesului de putere actual, care in prezent se afla la etapa tehnocratismului autoritar:conditionarea opiniilor publice nationale catre acceptarea solutiei europene. Votul pentru Europa este adevarata revolutie ce se coace in culisele bilderbergilor.
duminică, 6 noiembrie 2011
Dansand cu lupii
Daca la postarea anterioara am vazut indiferenta cu care oamenii "civilizati" asista la drama (sinuciderea) unei fete, trecand ca niste roboti pe langa ea, reactia fiind zero, acum postez ceva ce mi-a atras atentia azi, citind stirile: interactiunea unui fotograf cu fiarele "salbatice", mai exact cu niste lupi.
Dansand cu lupii- film (1990)
Dansand cu lupii- film (1990)
sâmbătă, 5 noiembrie 2011
Dezumanizare prin civilizare
China- 1.5 miliarde roboti.
O tanara disperata sare de pe un pod direct in mijlocul traficului. Nimeni nu se sinchiseste sa ajute femeia, nici macar sa blocheze traficul pe banda unde zacea tanara. Masinile trec in continuare, reactia este zero.
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